Keep in mind that Faith accelerates all tectonic plate movement to occur in 4,300 years. This means the plates were initially moving at 20 feet per day and have gradually slowed down to their current rate. So this "initial jolt" would have to accelerate the plates from a stop to 20 - feet per day which would be a force beyond reckoning - the kind of force that tears planets in half ... or gently folded the Appalachians, either way.
In case Faith accuses me of falsely attributing this concept to her Message 6. To the best of my knowledge she has not recanted from this position even though it was shown to be all but impossible.
Have you done or do you know of any calculations about the amount of energy required/released from superfast continental drift?
I tried to look for that but to no avail. I remember having read someone calculating the conditions that the fludde wouldve caused. Basically boiling and crushing every living thing.
Faith KNOWS that the fludde happened and even though she claims that everything happened via natural processes, that cannot have been the case. There is no way Noah or any other animal had survived the fludde thus rendering (if not everything else was not enough!!) the entire myth useless.