Gosh, all that namecalling hatred but you aren't my enemies?
Stomping feet, banging fists, getting all red and snorting fire from the nostrils, these are the fun parts of debate. When done sparingly name calling can be very effective to get under your opponent’s skin. You can hear him stomping, banging and snorting clear across the other side of the web. But that is not hate.
Hate is when you burn people at the stake, fly airplanes into buildings and bomb wedding receptions with drones.
Ask any one here. We may detest what you stand for, point and laugh at the absurd things that you say and stomp, bang, snort in frustration for butting heads with a hollow wall, but, we do not hate you.
Frankly, for a girl, you gotta damn big pair of brass balls for being in here trying to defend the carpolla you pull out your mouth. And you do a good job of it with all the obfuscating, misdirecting, misunderstanding, hand waving, and outright ignoring of reality.
You are bound and determined to make the facts fit your myth if you have to break every law of physics and logic to do it.
Which you pretty much have, btw.
Frankly, though it is dumb as a casaba melon, putting yourself through this grinder day after day in pursuit of a most unsupportable cause is deserving of at least some respect for the sheer persistence of it all if for nothing else.
Think of it this way, Faith, if you weren’t here we’d have no one to play with. I for one love you for it.
Funny idea that.
I understand this is the Christian martyr complex you are feeling, but, Faith, that is on your side not on ours
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.