Hi Faith,
Some time back I asked you three times to tell me how you determined the depositional evironment from the rocks you see.
You are out in the field, know nothing about the rocks. What do you do?
You did not answer with a procedure to follow because you in fact don't know what you are doing which is quite clear.
You are repeating BS other people told you and actually have no way of knowing if it is true or not.
Your conclusions are smoke blown out your ass, otherwise you could tell me how you came to them.
Let's be honest. I watched you be told over 4 times that a crossection had a different vertical scale than it's horizontal scale. You had no clue what that meant, and went on and on about how could the rocks have been bent so much. They were bent about 0.9 degrees.
Then you post a map of Mississippian age rocks and claim the Redwall Limestone goes all the way from the GC to the UK. You appear to be so dense you do not realize that what you posted is not a formation map. It's just a map of where Mississippian age rocks of whatever kind exist.
Your concept of formations spanning continents is not true, you do not know what you are talking about.
Once again for the fifth time, you are out in the field, what do you do to determine the depositional environment of the rocks you see. What procedure do you follow?