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Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Creationist = Anti-Environmentalist? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined:
{Note from Adminnemooseus - There is also a previous topic on this theme - See By their fruits shall ye know them. (re: Fundamentalists and the environment)
This has always puzzled me. It seems that there is a correlation between Creationism and people who are anti-environmentalist. That is, I see a lot of people who believe in Creationism and are also Global Warming deniers. Or supporters of Creationism, but oppose to the Endangered Species protection. One needs look no further than the current administration for examples. It always bothered me as to why. I have formulated three hypotheses: 1) Prey on the Ignorant -a) There are people/corporations who stand to make money from a position on anti-environmentalism (Big Oil, deforestation, developers, etc.). b) These people need at least a portion of the public to support their cause. c) They know that there is a group a citizens (Creationists, Ditto-heads, Fundamentalists) who will not question authority. d) They pay influential members of this group to convince the flock to follow. Resulting in -e) Creationists who support environmental degradation. 2) Destroy the world!a) Creationists believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible. b) The Bible suggests that at some point the world will end and that this will be good for Creationists. c) Therefore, anything which hastens the end of the world (war, disease, environmental degradation) is defacto a good thing. Resulting in -d) Creationists that support environmental degradation. -or-3) Lack of Biblical Comprehension a) Creationists hold to a strict literal interpretation of the Bible. b) The literal interpretation of the Flood story is "this is something that happened". c) The message of the Flood story is "man is responsible to protect the animals, not just himself". d) Because only the literal interpretation is considered, Creationists learn B but not C. Resulting in...e) Creationists who don't care about environmental issues. Thoughts? Refutations? Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Note at topic of message.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
re: Bush's flip flop
Like so many other things about Bush, these people aren't going to change their opinion at all. In fact, they are extremely likely to present this view: "Bush has always said there way Global Warming." I remember watching a show called "CrossBalls" which was on Comedy Central. the gimmick was inviting real guests to debate guests who were actually just improv comics being outrageous. In one case, one of the comic guests was arguing something to the effect that illegal drug use should be manditory for all citizens and the arch-conservative real guest was arguing that drugs are bad. The comic asked her to name any historical figure who didn't use drugs. He said Bush. Sigh
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
Sure, the people in China may have different opinions about the environment than we do here.
However, the people in China are not, to my knowledge, Fundamentalist Christian Biblical Literalists. What I'm talking about is why there is a correlation between people who believe that the world was created 6000 years ago, and people who believe that getting 3 miles to the gallon is perfectly reasonable.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
I think in general its not that anyone denies global warming, as much as they aren't buying the anthropogenic portion of it. Everyone knows that the earth is warming. I think that many creationists simply believe that its a natural cyclical occurrence, rather than buying in to the political spin. This is disinginuinous. The same people who today are saying that's it's warming but not caused by man, were 5 years ago saying, the world is NOT warming.
Oppose the Endangered Species list? How do you figure since creationists believe animals were created by God, and evolutionists try to control natural selection. Wouldn't it be more likely in the reverse? You would think, but it's not. The red state fundamentalists are the ones who oppose all things "liberal" - that's wellfare, evolution, and "spotted owl tree huggers".
Yes, because being a fundamentalist Christian is living an easy life devoid of being mocked and ridiculed for virtually every belief. Its clear that they are lemmings, opposed to those on the opposite end of the spectrum. "Ignore evidence, support Creationism" - "Yes, Sir!""Gays are bad! By the way, this gay prostitute I'm having sex with? Ignore that." - "Yes, Sir!" "Drugs are bad! Ignore my addiction to pills!" - "Megadittos Rush" These people CLEARLY put authority over their own ability to analyse and reason. It's NOT a stretch to say that if Rush Limbaugh says "There is no global warming, ignore the thermostat", these people will comply.
Woo-hoo!!! Destroy God's creation-- yeah, that makes perfect sense. You really are unaware of the whole "end of days" thing, aren't you? Christian Fundamentalists seriously WANT the rapture. Any sign that the end of the world is coming is greated with great joy, because they KNOW that they are going to ascend into heaven and MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE importantly, everyone else WON'T.
Okay, I think that's enough with the sarcasm. Sadly, you weren't being very sarcastic. I don't think you've had enough exposure to Fundamentalism. They are a doomsday cult.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
Well, there was one such survey in 2004. It was called the Presidential Election.
Bush, the president with the worst environmental record ever, was elected with near monolithic support from fundamentalists. Sure, it's "possible" that the fundamentalists were also enviornmentalists who just happen to hate homosexuals more than they like breathing clean air and drinking clean water. But, pop around the forums, listen to Fox News, strike up a conversation with any fundamentalist, you'll find the same things: "Bush is the 2nd coming of Jesus. Creationism is Fact. Global Warming is a Myth. Homos are evil. I'm going to Heaven and you aren't!"
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
You say YECs have no environmental concerns, so prove it. You may not know any YECs but you're sounding like one.
I don't know ANY YECs. I have no idea what they think as a group Yet you doubt what I and others on the thread have reported seeing. You want me to present some survey confirming this, as though I personally, since yesterday, funded and conducted a nationwide survey from my own pocket. And in the end, what will happen? You'll simply deny the findings. Sorry, I think I'll keep the 50 grand and go with the observations we've all been making. Formal? No. But, if you want proof, go watch the Hovid video sited above. Go find a YEC and talk to them. We all have been for YEARS now.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
The same people saying its anthropogenically caused are the same people who predicted the next ice age. Actually, no. Al Gore's Inc Truth is a movie version of a slide show he's been giving for over a decade. If you want to harken back to the 70's, I'm sure you'll find a meteorologist making your claim. That, however, is NOT the same thing as people 5 years ago claiming that there is no global warming.
Does the same go for blue states opposing all things conservative? Care to make a correlation?
Then the same applies to the opposite end of the spectrum too. Noam Chomsky, one of the biggest critics of the US military and capitalism is in the top 2% of wealth and has worked on numerous programs with the military. Or bands like Rage Against the Machine who profit from the very thing they denounce. The irony is delicious. It may be delicious but it's not relavent. The point was that these people are willing at accept what their authority figures tell them. The people you list clearly are not passively accepting false information from authority figures, they are simply benefiting from a capitalist system. By the way, who better to know the problems of a system than the people who have proven that they can exploit it.
Yes, we want the rapture. But it doesn't mean there is a single thing that anyone can do to expedite the process. You may want to tell your brethren. US' political relationship with Isreal is driven largely by fundamentalists who, quite frankly, aren't in it for the benefit of the Jews. Remember, the Jews are going to be left behind.
Being that I am a fundamentalist Okay, let's test the hypothesis. What's your position on Global Warming?
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
to sell books, videos and later CDs to gullible Christians that will buy anything. Especially if the key concept is "you are special and everyone else is going to get punished an envy you." Always the punishment.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
When people say there is no global warming, I suspect they mean that the earth isn't heating up because of anything humans have done. That may be what you suspect, but you are flat wrong. That's what those people are saying right now. Previously they were saying "There is NO global warming". These, incindentally, are the same people that are offering $10,000 to any climatologist who'll publish any paper disputing Global warming.
Abortion. Illegal immigration. War policies. Greenhouse gases. Walmart. Capitalism. Healthcare. Just to name a few. That isn't a correlation. That's a list. And, honestly, it's not a very good one. Are you suggesting that the people in Red States don't have Walmarts? That the Conservatives don't have a "War policy" or aren't participating in "capitalism"?
It is if it nicely illustrates your willing to turn a blind eye to your own bias. What bias? I start a thread on Creationism/Anti-Enviormentalism and you try to dispute me by naming someone who is Anti-War & wealthy. Last time I checked, neither of those are on topic. Who's got the bias here?
my point is that the Left is willingly to blindly follow If that was your point you failed spectacularly in your attempt to make it.
they are the ones spreading the propaganda. Firstly, you don't want this debate to be about propaganda. Have you seen the "news reports" shot and editted by the administration? Secondly, what propaganda are you alledging that Rage Against the Machine is spreading? Maybe I'm not on the mailing list, but I haven't heard anything about the Rage Against the Machine thinktank issuing bullet points which are then parrotted on Fox News verbatim.
What did they prove? That capitalism works? You tell me? You're the one that brought them up, off topic.
The government sides with Israel because its a flourishing Democracy, proven to be an ally. So is Canada, but we don't give them weapons and billions of dollars in aid. I'm going to take your last bit as a new post, since much of what we are discussing above is off topic.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
I believe a warming trend is occuring. I believe a nominal percentage is due to humans. I believe the majority of it is part of a natural cycle. I believe this hype is an unfortunate causualty of politics. So, you believe that human activity is contributing to Global Warming. Do you also agree that climate change could have significantly troublesome results for the US? (Drought, water levels rising, increased storm activity)
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
For the fifth time, I think This part I agree with. It does seem like this is your fifth time thinking. Here's my initial quote:
This has always puzzled me. It seems that there is a correlation between Creationism and people who are anti-environmentalist. That is, I see a lot of people who believe in Creationism and are also Global Warming deniers. Or supporters of Creationism, but oppose to the Endangered Species protection. One needs look no further than the current administration for examples. You may notice that I said, "it seems" and "I see" indicatiing that this impression is my own. That it's not based on empirical data. This is what I have noticed from the Fundamentalists that I have dealt with. It also happens to be what several other posters have noticed from the fundamentalist they have dealt with. Meanwhile, you yourself said that you haven't dealt with any fundamentalists. So, given that I am reporting my first hand experieces, that others here are reporting their first hand experiences, and, that you have claimed to have no data of your own, it begs the question - Who are you to be asking for information in the first place? If you have nothing to contribute here, go troll someplace else.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
'm tired, but I don't give a shit if this goes on for 20 years, You will either provide me with the data, or say it was anecdotal BS. Read much? Look, Newbie, one of the first things you are going to have to understand if you wanna hang on the threads is this: RTFPRead The F**King Posts. Your demands have LONG since been answered. Now, rather than throwing a tantrum, why don't you go and supply some evidence that what we are seeing is incorrect. Why don't you find an Ann Coulter op-ed that's pro enviroment?Why don't you like a Fox News clip about Fundamentalists marching to protest Bush's env record. See, this door swings both ways. We've reported what we are seeing.You've acknowledged that you have NO EXPERIENCE. So now it's up to you to prove that you can go out and learn.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
What does an authoritarian have to do with it? Look at the kids drooling over MTV, Crash. That's their source of inspiration-- that drivel! And yet they call me the sheep?!?!? Look at those lemmings. Everything society tells them to do, they dutifully follow. Not an autonomous bone in their body. Yet they sneer at me? They have their Pied Piper. I completely agree. Fundamentalists are mentally on par with "kids drooling over MTV". Neither one has yet achieved enough education and maturity to be able to make decisions for themself. In the kids case, it's because they are 12. What's the fundamentalists excuse?
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
I assume you have evidence of said bribery? If I provide evidence of the bribery, will you admit that you are wrong, rather than just ignore the info?
What I am doing is debunking your sweeping allegations. Let me explain how a "debunking" works. I linked Red States, Fundamentalism and Anti-Environmentalism. This is because Red States voted overwhelmingly for the Fundamentalist Anti-Environmental theocratic administration. Your response was to link Blue States with Walmart and "war policies". That's not a debunking. If anything, it's a "bunking"!
We'll start with just one name. Give me one name in order to keep this thread going. Name one Creationist Fundamentalist who's denying human's role in global warming. Gee, I don't know, how about... YOU!
Holy cow, man. Listen one song-- any song. Okay, Im not a "Rage" fan, so I goggled them - here's one of their songs, "Beautiful World"
It's a beautiful world we live in A sweet romantic place Beautiful people everywhere The way they show they care makes me want to say It's a beautiful world Oh what a beautiful world For you It's a wonderful time to be hereIt's nice to be alive Wonderful people everywhere The way they comb their hair makes me want to say It's a wonderful place Oh what a wonderful place For you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, for you, not me Canada is a Democratic Socialist nation, which isn't entirely the same thing. And Canada does have our help. But more importantly, they don't require our help in the same way Israel does. And here is why: ** Map of the Middle East showing small Israel ** What's your point here? That Israel is small? That Muslims are "evil"? Why is it America's duty to protect Israel? Why isn't it America's duty to protect any other small country in the world? Is it because Israel happens to be the home of several sites that Fundamentalists have decided are important? The same site, by the way, that play a role in their plans for the rapture?
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2813 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
Becky Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International, as featured in the documentary Jesus Camp Hands down, one of the scariest movies EVER.
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