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Author Topic:   WTF is wrong with people
New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 7 of 457 (707487)
09-27-2013 3:41 PM
Reply to: Message 6 by Faith
09-27-2013 3:25 PM

Re: so much for smarts
Again your hubris is breathtaking. You call opinion "truth" and want to do away with the opinions of those who disagree with you.
So do you: when I disagreed with your own personal beliefs about things in the Bible then you told me that I wasn't really a Christian.

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 Message 6 by Faith, posted 09-27-2013 3:25 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 8 by Faith, posted 09-27-2013 3:48 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 9 of 457 (707489)
09-27-2013 3:53 PM
Reply to: Message 8 by Faith
09-27-2013 3:48 PM

Re: so much for smarts
Um, concluding that someone is not really a Christian is not trying to do away with his opinions.
Sure it is. You can't handle a Christian's opinion that is at odds with yours, so you just conclude that they must not be a Christian. Viola, opinion gone!

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 Message 8 by Faith, posted 09-27-2013 3:48 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 11 by Faith, posted 09-27-2013 4:49 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 12 of 457 (707498)
09-27-2013 5:07 PM
Reply to: Message 11 by Faith
09-27-2013 4:49 PM

Re: so much for smarts
judge an opinion to be genuinely Christian or not by the standard of the Bible, CS, an OBJECTIVE standard, not my own independent opinion, and certainly not anything to do with what I can or cannot "handle."
Nope. Its your own personal opinion and interpretation of the Bible and yes, its because you can't handle the fact that there are Christians who know that YEC is totally insane.
However, this is another subject altogether, the usual sort of sidetrack that occurs here. Frako wants to know how to get rid of all those unwelcome opinions he identified as belonging to half the human race. If simply objecting to them on the basis of some objective standard or other would do it for him then we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Well, if we followed your MO, we could just conclude that those people aren't True Humans.

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 Message 11 by Faith, posted 09-27-2013 4:49 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 17 by Faith, posted 09-27-2013 7:12 PM New Cat's Eye has seen this message but not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 99 of 457 (707846)
10-01-2013 1:44 PM
Reply to: Message 98 by Faith
10-01-2013 1:33 PM

Re: Back on topic
so apparently it IS just another fantasy chart based on sheer imagination.
Not at all:
Dr Gavin Thomas, of the University of Sheffield’s Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, said: "We have built the first ever family tree showing the evolutionary relationship among the species of birds. We used fossils and genetic data to estimate the ages of all the different branches of the bird tree so that we could assess how diversity has accumulated through time. Our work is indebted to researchers from museums and universities who have collected astounding amounts of genetic data from birds around the world."
Despite major steps forward in modern super computers it has still taken the researchers almost five years to analyse the millions of year’s worth of fossil data, DNA, maths and maps, to create this never-before-snapshot of how the thousands of birds alive made it to where they are today.
But that's scientists for you... you know, actually looking at data and doing work.
They're no match for creationist who can make up all their bullshit at home without leaving the chair.

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 Message 98 by Faith, posted 10-01-2013 1:33 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 101 by Faith, posted 10-01-2013 1:51 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 104 of 457 (707853)
10-01-2013 2:07 PM
Reply to: Message 101 by Faith
10-01-2013 1:51 PM

Re: Back on topic
Unfortunately for you, the Theory of Evolution is an incredibly successful theory that still works to this day. It has all the data going for it, and none of the data falsifies it.
The ToE continues to provide scientists the framework for biological research and will continue to help us in the future. Its even being used successfully outside of the realm of biology.
The only reason people disbelieve it is because it goes against their religious beliefs. That's what's wrong with you people.
But we do all get to have a chuckle when you show up and look at a piece of information that many scientists took 5 years to gather all the data for and just just hand-wave it away as imagination
Really though, we should be feeling sorry for you.

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 Message 101 by Faith, posted 10-01-2013 1:51 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 110 by Faith, posted 10-01-2013 3:00 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 123 of 457 (707874)
10-01-2013 3:47 PM
Reply to: Message 110 by Faith
10-01-2013 3:00 PM

Re: Back on topic
The only people that don't know that the Theory of Evolution is a successful theory are those who are completely ignorant of its existence, and those who purposefully deny it for religious reasons.
The reason it is successful is because it has great explanatory power and we have yet to see any data that goes against it. The stuff you've brought here is just a bunch of nonsense that stems from your attempts at keeping the Bible accurate. It has nothing to do with any real scientific data.
The ToE has even been used to make successful predictions, I'm sure you've heard of how the Tiktaalik was discovered. Every single sign we have points to it being an accurate reflection of reality. Unfortunately for the Bible-based Christians, the Bible got the explanation wrong.
The ToE has been tested and tested and retested and it has passed every single time. All of biology now relies on the facts that the ToE explains. It would be incredibly easy to falsify the ToE. All we'd need to do if find one animal that is out of place. But, as it turns out, everything we find lines up as if it had evolved.
It is breathtaking that such a simple process can lead to so much diversity. Life truely is amazing. The stuff you call facts that you say you've brought here is just a bunch of misplaced nonsense. Its obviously false when you have a simple written "proof" that the ToE is wrong while everything around you continues to evolve just like the theory explains.
That you refuse the theory on religious grounds is you're own problem to deal with, though. Nobody cares what you believe.

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 Message 110 by Faith, posted 10-01-2013 3:00 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 139 by Faith, posted 10-01-2013 9:06 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 150 of 457 (707936)
10-02-2013 11:56 AM
Reply to: Message 139 by Faith
10-01-2013 9:06 PM

Re: Back on topic
No, the ToE is successful because it has great explanatory power and we have yet to see any data that goes against it. It is not purely imaginary because it is a logical inference from the vast amounts of data we have available to us.
And you can't just make up anything and the ToE can easily be falsified. There are no rabbits in the cambrian layers.
And the facts that you've brought here are misunderstood and misapplied. For example, the resulting genomes from the artificial selection of human breeding and husbandry are not a reflection of what happens in the wild with natural selection.
And the fact that after the ToE was used to predict that a particular transitional species should have existed within a particular layer, and then an example of a species like that was found in that layer, shows that it is an applicable theory and not just circular imagination.
Further, all of biology really does rely on the ToE and it really does tie everything together. Biology is not going veer off into neverland, and everyday it continues to make advancements and improvements to our world, in spite of the slander from creationists.
You really can get new species with the addition of genetic information, and without a reduction of genetic diversity. You simply can, it happens.
And regarding your argument that the process in the ToE cannot work: Eppur si muove. The animals, they are evolving and the ToE explains how so.
Repeating yourself doesn't make you less wrong.

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 Message 139 by Faith, posted 10-01-2013 9:06 PM Faith has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 178 of 457 (707999)
10-03-2013 11:40 AM
Reply to: Message 173 by Faith
10-03-2013 11:19 AM

Re: Back on topic
If a reduction in genetic diversity is necessary to the creation of new varieties or breeds, which it is,
No, it isn't. The addition of genetic diversity can also create new varieties.
but if reducing genetic diversity is necessary to microevolution, which it is, then there is one big fat hindrance right there.
Eppur si muove
Edited by Catholic Scientist, : No reason given.

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 Message 173 by Faith, posted 10-03-2013 11:19 AM Faith has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 274 of 457 (708301)
10-08-2013 10:10 AM
Reply to: Message 273 by saab93f
10-08-2013 6:39 AM

Re: What's wrong!
I'll comment about these "Bible-Believer-True-Christians" (BBTC) in general rather than Faith in particular.
considering that there are several people who do science for living and they all disagree with you that it might be you who is wrong and not them?
First off: since they "know" that the Bible is God's word, then what it says, first and foremost, is what is true and everything that contradicts it must be wrong.
Secondly: they see science as leading people away from God's word, so the fact that scientists disagree with them goes right with the narrative.
I have also failed to find what kind of doctorate in life sciences you hold, what publications of yours I could read and where do you do your research.
Rather than vying for those inferior wordly qualifications, the BBTC has the superior Spirit of God working through them and revealing the true nature of our world to them.
I would not enter the fora of quantum physics since I have nothing meaninful to contribute - why do you and creationists in general think that re-hashing the Bible, distorting evidence and research and downright lying would do?
Yeah... what's wrong with them?
Its ignorance and arrogance. They're too dumb to realize they're wrong and too cocky to even begin to doubt themselves. It stems from the Bible-Believing part. They think they already have the answers and that they've been given to them by supernatural means. That, is what's wrong with them.

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 Message 273 by saab93f, posted 10-08-2013 6:39 AM saab93f has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 275 by Diomedes, posted 10-08-2013 1:08 PM New Cat's Eye has replied
 Message 277 by PaulK, posted 10-08-2013 1:22 PM New Cat's Eye has seen this message but not replied
 Message 315 by saab93f, posted 10-10-2013 2:49 AM New Cat's Eye has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 280 of 457 (708332)
10-08-2013 1:58 PM
Reply to: Message 275 by Diomedes
10-08-2013 1:08 PM

Re: What's wrong!
Yet ironically, they tap dance around the verbiage of the Old Testament
Yeah... man, they're really fucked up!
I love it how they take something completely natural like the evolution of animals and argue that it must have a supernatural explanation.
But then they take something completely supernatural like God causing a global flood and argue that it must have a natural explanation.

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 Message 275 by Diomedes, posted 10-08-2013 1:08 PM Diomedes has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 286 of 457 (708340)
10-08-2013 3:07 PM
Reply to: Message 285 by Faith
10-08-2013 2:45 PM

WTF indeed
Think you're a tad confused there. It's evolution that invents stuff out of imagination.
Evolution is a natural process, not a thinking being, and lacks the significant amount of brain matter that is necessary for imagination.
WTF is wrong with these people?

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 Message 285 by Faith, posted 10-08-2013 2:45 PM Faith has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 290 by Faith, posted 10-08-2013 4:47 PM New Cat's Eye has replied
 Message 301 by ringo, posted 10-09-2013 12:11 PM New Cat's Eye has seen this message but not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 303 of 457 (708397)
10-09-2013 12:29 PM
Reply to: Message 290 by Faith
10-08-2013 4:47 PM

Re: WTF indeed
Aw, I can't personalize "evolution" I have to say "evolutionists" huh?
Meh, even "evolutionists" is a silly word. How about: "people who aren't intellectually crippled by religious fanaticism". 'Cause that's really the only people who doubt evolution.
Gee, the pedantry can be awful thick and suffocating around here.
You reap what you sow.
You imagine into existence great eras of time that cannot be proved; you imagine into existence genetic descent among dead things that cannot be proved; you imagine into existence mutations as responsible for creating all the alleles that underlie all traits, which cannot be proved; you are free to interpret anything at all in accordance with the ToE because any particular such interpretation cannot be disproved; mere interpretations are imagined into fact on a regular basis if they are crammable into the theory.
No, that's not true at all. That's just your defense mechanism trying to bring your opponents down to a manageable level. You're better off, in your own mind, if all those people who know that you're wrong are just a bunch of dummies making up stuff.
In reality, though, we have have objective verifiable evidence that leads to those conclusions.
Unfortunately for you, you have this whole flimsy religion-based scenario that requires you to downplay these kinds of conclusions, if you don't just turn a blind eye to them altogether.

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 Message 290 by Faith, posted 10-08-2013 4:47 PM Faith has not replied

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 Message 304 by Diomedes, posted 10-09-2013 4:45 PM New Cat's Eye has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 342 of 457 (708510)
10-10-2013 4:38 PM
Reply to: Message 340 by Faith
10-10-2013 3:59 PM

Re: Environment-driven evolution
I am not in a position to judge the weaknesses and limitations of my argument because so far it's been just about impossible to get across to anyone just what my argument IS
That's because your argument is a hodgepodge of confused misunderstanding and wishful thinking.
a lot of accusations of being wrong about things that seem to be mostly misreadings of what I'm trying to say.
You really are blatantly wrong, it just seems that way to you because there's something wrong with you. You're being blinded by your religious zeal.
Edited by Catholic Scientist, : No reason given.

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 Message 340 by Faith, posted 10-10-2013 3:59 PM Faith has not replied

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