My goal is to bring the discussion back to scientific facts through all means necessary. If this requires testing the intellect of the average person then so be it.
And this is a totally unnecessary and ineffective means to accomplish your goal. No one here cares, Mike.
We cannot influence the discipline nor create some semblance of acceptance for you and your hypothesis. We haven't the standing nor, in most cases, the intellect.
If you make any adherents here they will be of the Wal-Mart denizens.
"Wow ... ah ahe ... I dint no that. Uh ... do it mean somtin?"
Worse, Mike, by coming here to air your revolutionary genius new ideas showing Einstein and all the rest of cosmology's designated smart people from the last 100 years to be wrong, you are following the path exclusively reserved for the prototypical crank physicist wannabe.
You need to be "out there" on the physics forums and blogs where the research Docs, the acknowledged cosmologists and the people within the core of the discipline talk. You gain nothing presenting your work here, and, indeed, lose what little standing you may have left.
What is now referred to as science is much more similar to politics if anything else.
There is no doubt in my mind that politics and a bias towards the status quo permeate all the journals in every discipline. You think it's bad now, think prior to the 20th century when Lord Kelvin ruled all of physics and NO ONE the whole world over presented anything without his approval. Even then, the effective theories and the great paradigm shifts could not be denied.
But they came from within the discipline not from the Department of Physics at Wal-Mart.
There are today too many venues to publishing and disseminating radical new ideas for any worthy hypothesis to go un-aired regardless of the politics. If your proposals have any value they will be seen by "them out there" not us here.