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Author | Topic: The cosmic conspiracy. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
Couldn't of said it better myself, but trying to show them by their very own books why they cant see it when it stares them in the face....
And yes, know you are trying to be factitious, since you have no facts to back up one thing you have said, even though I have only used your books, have not even begun pointing you to the articles the plasma physicists use, as I doubt you would understand it anyways. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
Sigh, maybe some music will help.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyVTvtgm11o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rasp88nbsRw Everything is electrical, from the atom to the earth, to the sun and the galaxy. The entire universe. Don't believe me, believe NASA. They are finally startng to figure it out. It's taken them 100 years, but better late than never. NASA -
Cassini Sees Saturn Electric Link With Enceladus
You've avoided it in space for 100 years, but finally we get to see you've got no choice but study it, the future of satellite navigation, GPS, communications, all relies on us understanding it, why NASA is doing what it needs to do.NASA - The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science Target Electrical forces are everywhere.NASA - Electric Moon Jolts the Solar Wind Everywhere we look now that we have the technology to see it. Open your eyes.Enceladus Plume is a New Kind of Plasma Laboratory | NASA Getting closer.Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun | Science Mission Directorate Now lets call them by their real name.Birkeland current - Wikipedia Still having a bit of trouble now and then, but at least you are mentioning the electric currents now.Newsroom | UCLA But still surprised, and still ignoring those same electrical forces you ignored 100 years ago. Oh, but that's right, there is no electricity in space, I keep forgetting that, my bad. Since you are so correct in that, everything else you are telling me must also be correct. What was I thinking???? Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
I thought I was quite clear what it meant.
Stop ignoring the electric force! A force 10^39 powers stronger than what we call gravity. They don't know what gravity is, haven't the slightest clue, but they can guarantee it isn't electrical in nature. Lol, that's the funniest conclusion I ever heard. And stop twisting what I say. I never once said Relativity was wrong, I agree with it completely, E=mc^2. I just agree with Einstein that the GRT is not a satisfactory solution to his SRT theory. I simply agree with the man who attempted to start GRT and in the end found it unworkable. I just also happen to agree with Einstein on the theoretical possibilities that singularities might exist physically as well.http://www.cscamm.umd.edu/...files/EinsteinSchwarzschild.pdf None whatsoever. And those same people that measure the electric force everywhere, then ignore it in every description of cause and effect. Oh sure, they measure it, but it just doesn't DO anything, Lol. Electric currents between Saturn and its moons, no effect. Electrical currents between Jupiter and its moons, no effect. Electrical currents between the Earth and Sun, no effect. Then you go and mention those currents, but are still surprised and still can't figure out what causes the sub-storms. Well drrrr, quit ignoring what you measure. But NASA is hamstrung. It knows the Electric and Plasma Universe theories are correct, but because mainstream science resists those ideas, they have to work it in slowly so they don't get caught up in your stupid battles trying to keep it hidden away from the public, as if it doesn't exist. They already banned Halton Arp from access to any telescope in the US for daring to take pictures of high red-shift galaxies in relation to low redshift galaxies, and then refusing to drop the entire matter and forget about it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFFl9S39CTM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb_EWnXCu2w All to preserve a theory a century old that has nothing to do with SRT, the Big Bang. Any data that challenges your pre-conceived notions is ignored, swept under the rug, or forcibly attempted to cover it up. Their pets ridicule anyone that dares mention electric currents in space on all the forums, even here. Yessum, master, we do as we told. Slaves to a theory that ignores everything that contradicts its worldview. I got more respect for someone who believes in god, at least they admit the only possible solution to a beginning is miraculous. You call it the Big Bang, but even the man that invented SRT didn't believe in singularities, except as a mathematical abstract. All GRT was, was an attempt to better understand the gravitational force, which Einstein admitted didn't meet his standards. So this leaves us with SRT, the "physical" measurements of the force we call gravity. Which Einstein equated with energy. Now, did you attempt to say spacetime was composed of an ether which was bent by the force of gravity, one might be able to buy into that, but you exclude any possibility of such. Instead, leaving one with no choice but to accept spacetime is composed of nothing and is then bent by something, and that nothing in turn tells somethings how to move. Sounds logical to me, what about you? But then I don't "believe" in all the other nothings either, like dark matter, black holes, neutron stars, gravity waves, etc, etc. But you people just keep spending all those billions of tax dollars on your search for nothing, while you continue to ignore a force that is everywhere, transmitted through a substance that is everywhere, and keep postulating your Fairie Dust as the cause, while complaining your taxes are too high.http://phys.org/news/2012-02-dark-intergalactic-space.html You still can't see past your Fairie Dust dark matter, but we do appreciate your mapping out all the interconnected Birkeland Currents for us through the plasma filled universe. We always appreciate it when they accidentally find our evidence for us, since they never go out to look for it, just stumble upon it by accident. It's clumping because that is what electrical z-pinches do, attract plasma by the Lorentz force along the Birkeland Current filaments. These filaments stretch from galaxy to galaxy, star to star, pulling plasma in from the surrounding space and compressing it. You are seeing the visible affect of those transmission lines through space that connect every galaxy to one another.Z-pinch - Wikipedia Pinch (plasma physics) - Wikipedia The EU and Plasma cosmologies never asked you to accept them without investigation, no true scientist would ask that, but how about at least investigating the issue before you discount all possibilities of it first? Can we not even get that much???? Apparently not. Page not found | UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics - UCL — University College LondonYou still believe plasma is noting more than a hot gas, even though every laboratory experiment ever done shows it is electrically active. Even though you require it to be the first matter in existence after your Big Bang. Hey, it's not my theory. So fine, if that's the way you want it then how is the first state of matter the fourth state of matter? One would think if it was the first state of matter all other matter came from it, not the reverse. But let's just ignore any logical assumptions and instead pretend that its nothing more than matter with electrons stripped off by heat, even though your own theory requires it be the first state of matter, that is matter without the bonding of electrons, which only occurred later. What you see 14 billions years later (according to you) is almost completely still separated, with the electrons still predominately free. Its still beginning to form those electrical bonds, not loose them. So you just continue to refuse to give any consideration to the EU/Plasma cosmology, and you'll be left behind, just as NASA is starting to leave you behind right now because they know they got no choice. The entire future of our communications, GPS and satellite safety relies on us understanding how plasma really behaves in space. E=mc^2 -- mc^2=E, it's all the same. Edited by justatruthseeker, : gave link to full video with subtitles Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
As I said, facts staring you right in the face but you sweep em under the rug. Electrical connections everywhere, but you still can't see them. Blinded by your own religious belief that the universe was created from a 0 volume point mass. Nevermind that the man who invented Relativity, which I support, but you claim I don't, didn't believe in them one little bit except as abstract mathematical concepts. What, suddenly the man was wrong because you NEED them to explain your theory? Hmmmm, then what else was he wrong about??? Nothing according to you, just this one thing. Everything else is as he said, except for his thoughts on his own GRT theory that he didn't think worked, so ok, the man was wrong about two things, but that's it, really it is. Just two things, nothing else, we swear. Funny how both the things you claim he was wrong about, is required by you, but if he said something you could apply to your theory he was absolutely correct. Don't you just love science.
You've spent billions of dollars trying to pretty up a house built on rotten foundations, hoping that it will stand up anyways. Hoping someone, some day, in the far, far future might find some Fairy Dust. But the wolf is huffing and puffing right now. Quantum Mechanics, the heralded solution to uniting the macro and micro. A dismal failure. Requires Black Holes, but it's own math of the evolution of matter for entropy forbids them. Even though with the Fairie Dust there still is no quantum theory of gravity. The only force known to bind the atom of which all matter is made is the electrical force. How might I ask you, can you not even consider the idea that gravity may be electromagnetic? Especially when all atomic tests show it is only when atoms bind does the electrical force become balanced.http://www.ndt-ed.org/...llege/Materials/Structure/bonds.htm It is this balanced effect of the electric and magnetic fields that causes this force you call gravity, as all transforms in relativity prove, being that they exist only because of the Lorentz Force.http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/...ng/302l/lectures/node72.html Being that Relativity rests upon the fact that light travels at c, which is purely an electromagnetic effect. Funny how that bent space time causes tidal effects from the moon, even though its not a force you say, just geometry.Tide - Wikipedia Funny how I can use a gravimeter to measure the force of gravity, but its not a force you say, just geometry. Gravimetry - Wikipedia The future has arrived, you missed the plane, but there's still time to catch a later flight, not much tho, the meeting is about to start. We don't want to leave you out, you are just leaving us no choice but to go around you, since you wont even give us consideration, even though I couldn't list all the space stories in the last 20 years that shows electrical activity in space, there's not enough room to list em all. Let alone all the experiments that directly disprove your theories about the Sun and solar system. You continually try to convince people I disagree with Relativity, just showing you haven't read a thing I've said. Why should I answer you, you don't answer me, then don't bother to cite one reference that supports what you claim you say they say. I can say science says anything, but am always careful to make sure it does just that. You just spout out the first thing that comes to mind. Usually derogatory because you can't think of any valid argument. I know you are limited by your own theory, but that's only because its based upon assumption after assumption, with no facts to back it up. Dark Matter/Dark Energy 96% of the universe, even tho we can't see or detect it. Why? because they can't support their theory without it. Observations don't match their theory without the inclusion of Fairie Dust. Black holes in the center of every galaxy. Why? Because they can't explain the ejection of plasma at close to the speed of light from there centers without it. I couldn't either if I ignored electric fields, the only known way to accelerate charged particles. Once again, observations didn't match theory, so they just morphed the theory instead of examining the ideas these theories were originally based upon. We still use Sydney Chapman's theory to this day to explain the Earth's environment, even though the theory that Kristian Birkeland postulated was the one shown to be correct when the first probe was launched into space. Chapman's theory remains in place to this day, even though he was proved incorrect over 40 years ago. This is the science you rely on to explain things to you? It's no wonder you can't separate yourself from the past beliefs, you still use theories proved utterly false. I rather resent that, that you still use a falsified theory instead of the one proved correct. Why bother to experiment at all, or gaze into the cosmos, you got it all figured out already. What did Steven Hawking once say? We were 15 years or so away from a theory of everything. Such hubris, such grandiose claims of omnipotence. The very idea that science has nothing important left to discover, is beyond comprehension. They still don't know what gravity is, even though its been debated since before Newton. Sure, we have a few theories that are close enough within our solar system, but outside in galactic scales of rotation curves they fail miserably. But don't worry, we got it all figured out, a touch of Dark Matter, a dallop of Dark Energy, a Black Hole in the center of the galaxy and wholla, see it fits!!!!! Well ok, that one requires a binary Black Hole, but hey, why stop at one? Just sickening the state science has degraded to. Better clarify that, the state astronomical science has degraded to. And by the way, I have no hope of ever changing your mind, it is closed, that much is clear. I only persist so that those that can actually think for themselves can see the avoidance of anything electrical, even though their own instruments detect it everywhere. So those that actually want to look into it can read for themselves what plasma is and how it behaves. So please, keep arguing, I have pages more of experiments yet to bring up. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
Here, gonna give you some actual stuff you might be able to use against me, but doubt it. Gonna show to you that the possibility of a being not like us is scientifically possible. This mainly to the OP, and those that have questions about such a possibility and weather it is or isn't scientifically possible.
First we need to find out what makes us, us, and I do not mean your body, that's just atoms (bound by the electrical force). What makes you, well, you?How Your Brain Works | HowStuffWorks So if we are at all scientific about the matter, we find that electric currents transmitted across the neurons of your brain make thought possible. Without an electric current, no thought. No heartbeat. No movement. Nothing.... Now, Christians say we are the image of god, certainly they aren't implying our physical bodies, even they would agree to that. It must be something more. To the best of our knowledge what makes you, you, is your brain, and the brain uses electric currents to make it all possible. God is energy, it was breathed or put into us. A self-thinking being capable of harnessing the electrical force to make consciousness possible. Our bodies nothing but a vessel to carry this force. Now we see electrical forces everywhere in the universe, from moon to planet, from planet to sun, from star to star, to galaxy to galaxy. Electric currents no different than that which enables you to think, except on a universal (macro) scale.Proof god exists? Not in the least. I make no claims either way, but certainly a scientific possibility, given what we know about how the human brain works. Let us compare this with the theory of neutron stars, totally believed to be a valid theory. Neutron star - Wikipedia quote:Well there goes the Big Bang theory, since all was in a 0 volume point mass singularity. quote:But, but, gravitational waves have shown you just how perfectly round they are. No Elephants In My Carpet - More LIES from LIGO quote:A star picked because you thought it gave you the best chances of finding those little wavy guys, so your theory said it should be distorted, but alas, once again experiment disproves theory. Spinning thousands of times per second, yet no deformity at all, when you were looking for deformity in our own sun because it spins once in about 35 days. Mystery continues: Why is the sun 'too round'? - CSMonitor.com You can't even stick to one theory, change it for every instance you encounter, forgetting you need it elsewhere in your efforts to defend that Fairie Dust.So, a theory that violates everything known about atomic decay and neutrons thrives, because they can't explain a pulse occurring thousands of times per second without spin, even though we do it all the time with electric currents in the lab. And the theory needs neutronium, a completely imaginary substance to make it work. Even my spell checker doesn't know what it is. So what makes more sense scientifically? A big Bang that is excluded from their very own principles they rely on to explain other things they can't explain, or that electric currents observed throughout the universe are similar to those in your brain that works by those same very electric currents????? |
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
Not according to all the other posters, they are trying to tell me, and you by the way, that there is no chance the force is electromagnetic. Modern science can't even admit to the possibility of electrical activity in space. They are still following Sydney Chapman's beliefs, even though he was proved incorrect over 40 years ago.
Sydney Chapman (mathematician) - Wikipedia
quote: Now lets contrast that with the facts we knowKristian Birkeland - Wikipedia quote: They ridiculed the man, refused to even consider his ideas. Then when he was proved correct they still stuck with Chapman's theory, even though it is quite obvious if Birkeland's theory of the aurora was correct, that Chapman " who argued the mainstream view that currents could not cross the vacuum of space and therefore the currents had to be generated by the Earth" must of been totally wrong. So how about we at least go back and revise those theories of the interaction of the Earth's magnetic field with the solar wind? have we? Apparently not.Newsroom | UCLA quote: Of course its wrong, your basing the entire theory on one proved incorrect 40 years ago, still taught in all the schools. Double-talk. Admit they are wrong, just don't change anything.
quote:Of course they were, they never go looking for the electric and magnetic fields, or any electrical cause, just stumble upon it by accident, because people actually believe what Chapman proposed (no electricity in space), even when proved wrong. Its just a pure disgrace what astronomical science has become, and the defenders of it only make it worse, by defending theories they know to be wrong. How many people here knew about Birkeland Currents before it was brought up? How many people here believe electrical currents could exist in space before told the truth? How much longer are you gonna continue to lie to everyone about it?????? So your reliance that EU/Plasma theories are fringe theories doesn't stand you very good does it. Keep ridiculing it, it will only show how wrong you really are, and have been for over 100 years. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
quote:You bet I do. And i wouldn't quite use the term undetected, since I just showed you several NASA stories where those exact same currents have been detected by NASA themselves. Quit misleading people, don't lie to try to prove your point. So lets discuss the Strong Force shall we? quote: As we delve deeper we find this: Gluon - Wikipedia
quote: So " one could say that the color force is the source of the strong interaction," and to be considered a fundemental force " In particle physics,quote:Fundamental interaction - Wikipedia Its was first wrongly asserted that the protons and nuetrons were fundamental particles and governed by the strong force, then when Color Charge was found, the strong force became a sub-filed of this force. In effect the strong force can know be described in terms of the Color Charge, so it no longer can claim fundamental force status. Yet they to this day call it a fundemental force, when inreality it is the color charge of the fundemental particles that governs the atom. Now you are free to continue to believe the strong force is a fundemental force although it is now known it is caused by another force. As for Color charge we read:
quote:Question, quarks have 3 aspects of charge disguised as color. It is then claimed EM has only one. So which is it, is space positive or negative? It can be no other. Or maybe there is a third state after all, a balance of forces called as is the termed, neutral. So charge can exist in any of the three configurations and we begin to see why the term color was added to misdirect. So if indeed charge can be only two configurations of one force is the space around us overall negative or overall positive since it can be only one of those two? Strong interaction - WikipediaStill a fundamental force, even though it is but a subset of the color charge force, when if one reads one will find is nothing more than the interaction of charged particles, electric current. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
Now, you claim all these jets coming from galaxies are from the accretion disk of Black Holes. Then alas, you started looking with better instruments and found stars also have jets. Hmmm. These jets in both galactic and solar have knotted or twisted appearances. Most claim they get that way through collisions, but thankfully we have actual plasma physicists doing some research instead of just theorists sitting behind desks imagining what they see.
Stellar Jets are Born Knotted - Universe TodayScientists replicate the physics of a stellar jet in laboratory | ZDNET All the events you see in space performed in a lab with plasma. Isn't it funny how that works every single time we learn something about plasma? Those ejections are following the Birkeland Currents, we but see the visible portion thereof, where the charge density is high enough to bring the plasma into glow mode. Of course even though it required your firing a high energy pulse (can we say electricity), you of course will discount any such occurring in space, which will again leave you without an explanation for the cause, or do stars suddenly have black holes in them too? The charge redistribution on the test aluminum then formed what you like to call a magnetic bubble (can we say double layer - Double layer (plasma physics) - Wikipedia ), which exploded, releasing the confined plasma (can we say CME). The plasma spiraled in the magnetic field (can we say charged particle in a magnetic field). I mean come on people, you are running out of excuses very quickly in your attempt to explain the universe non-electrically.http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/...ng/302l/lectures/node73.html Why the hell do you think EVERYTHING spirals? What do you think causes the radiation emitted from galaxy centers? Synchrotron radiation - Wikipedia But alas, there is only one known proven way of accelerating charged particles, guess what that is? Particle accelerator - Wikipedia Edited by justatruthseeker, : spelling
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
quote:Yet you say nothing to show where I am wrong except a blanket denial. Why is this? What, your own sources not backing you up because perhaps I am using your very own sources? Man it sucks when someone shows you by your own theories how wrong you are doesn't it. Please, feel free to educate me and those following this thread, we would be delighted to hear your 100 year old theories that are built upon epicycles after epicycles. I had thought we did away with that form of science a 1000 years ago, so much for modern science, it has now reverted back to epicycles to explain things. Galactic rotation curves a prime example. Not enough mass to explain them by Newton's Laws or Relativity (need twice as much, but only in specific places, so it must be caused by Fairie Dust (Dark Matter - can't see it, measure it), but yet not once have you tried to use the electromagnetic formulas, even though everything in existence emits the electromagnetic spectrum. So, we now need DM in just the mid to outer reaches of the galaxy, but oops, DM makes your expansion not expand. So lo and behold, you hypothesize (add another epicycle) of another never detected entity called Dark Energy, to counteract the force of DM. But oops, you forgot to include the DM and DE in your calculations of light element abundance. Easy fix, we just make DM and DE non-baryonic matter so it can't be seen or detected. man you are dang good illusionists, you should get paid for that show. Oh, that's right, we already paid for their symposium on DM/DE so you could pat everyone on the back while giving the wonderful news that once again, absolutely nothing was found. See, we found it because we are actually looking for nothing.A Neverending Story - Cosmologists Find The Nothing!! Scientists Waste Our Money - Supercomputers Come Up With Nothing - Again! Taxpayers Duped by Einstein - LIGO still peddling LIES* I mean they had to be joking right? Lauding success while finding absolutely nothing? It's a joke right? I just didn't get it right? I am in awe of the sheer breadth and scope of how you say nothing factual and somehow figure that's enough to refute the facts. It's no wonder your scientists are constantly surprised every time they look at something. With such a narrow minded outlook, one is always going to be surprised when one actually peers beyond the wall in front of him that blinds him to what is beyond. The sad part, the wall was built by their own hands. Just noticed the pearls in the sky reference, although it's actually pearls on a string btw. Exactly, how did you guess? Let's see what DM and DE theories say since apparently you'll believe anything they say about it, it's only too bad you can't replace it with plasma and electric currents, instead of Fairie Dust.Visualization Services - ENZO Pearls on a string, quite an apt picture of it huh? Oh, and where is all that expansion at????? Shouldn't there be a velocity component in there somewhere? Ahhh, couldn't get it to match observations if you put expansion in could you. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
Which is probably why your theorists struggle in vain huh? Which is why every theory they ever had about the sun has been disproved, why they no longer have a working model of the outer solar system.
Weak solar convection – approximately 100 times slower than scientists had previously projected – Watts Up With That? 100 times slower, do you have any idea what that means? It means there is virtually no heat transfer from the center of the sun to the surface, oops. So much for that nuclear core. The thing is if you bothered to read up on it, you would find that z-pinches release neutrinos. So there is undoubtedly a small amount of fusion taking place on the sun's surface amongst the tuffs. Just enough to be detectable, but also why you have never been able to detect it in the quantities needed for your theory. Why don't you take the time to explain to everyone why the sun has a corona? Need help?Science Won't help much, they are still throwing out wild guesses. Keep changing it, can't settle on one for very long. Did NASA's Voyager 1 Spacecraft Just Exit the Solar System? | Live Science
quote: All but one that is, but you've yet to consider it. Nothing went as you predicted, but observations confirmed the electric sun hypothesis that predicted just such a stagnation zone. You thought it would veer sideways. Lol, I think most reading this agree you look like the idiot, considering your best defense seems to be snide remarks with not one shred of evidence. You called me bad names, I think I'll cry. Grow up, what are you 12? Nemo me impune lacessit
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
So you see OP (original poster), when it comes right down to it they have no answers, just epicycles built upon epicycles.
Deferent and epicycle - Wikipedia When presented with evidence they can't deny logically they resort to name calling, as they actually believe that makes them right. I see by your original post you just wanted some reasonable explanations, but I am afraid you won't get any of those from mainstream cosmology. I know, I used to be one of those that tried to defend those same theories. So when people asked questions I would look up the answers (unlike some), and after years went by began to realize the answers didn't fit the observations. Until like them, I was left with no answers to the questions. But unlike them I didn't become sheeple and jump off the cliff because everyone else was. instead I kept looking for answers, and still am to this day. Because every theory has something worthwhile, and every theory has errors. There is no perfect cosmology, just some more right than others that fit what we can observe and test. 20 years of searching, and not one geranium, I mean germanium has ever had its bell rung, as they like to say. Since the space age and space based telescopes we have observed stars move halfway across the HR diagram in a matter of months, a process supposed to take thousands of years just from one class to the next. Pulsars were first thought to rotate because the pulse occurred every few minutes, but again, when we developed the technology we found those in the millisecond range, spinning as fast as a dentists drill, or so they say. Of course a star couldn't withstand that, so along came neutronium. because their theory of stars is flawed from the start, so Fairie Dust was their only solution. Hubble tried to tell them they were on the wrong track. Half the stuff they attribute to him had nothing to do with him, they just rely on his name to add credibility.Georges Lematre - Wikipedia quote: Edwin Hubble - Wikipedia
quote: They use the same tactics now that they used against Halton Arp. When presented with direct visual evidence that might contradict their theory, they demanded he change his research. He refused and was banned from using any telescope in the USA. So you see why astronomers tend not to directly mention things, but are forced to go about it the long way, casually mentioning the electric currents, but unable to use them yet.Halton Arp's official website You see, with 99% of the universe plasma, one might think they would look into it.http://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0401420v3.pdf Especially when backed by laboratory experiment.http://vixra.org/pdf/1105.0010v1.pdf But do we have any laboratory evidence for DM? I guess that depends on ones definition of a null result and what a null result actually means to a theory. They claim Black Holes are supported by Relativity, yet the man who invented relativity disagrees with them.http://www.cscamm.umd.edu/...files/EinsteinSchwarzschild.pdf They attach Schwarzschild's name to a formula that isn't even his, again to try to add legitimacy.http://www.sjcrothers.plasmaresources.com/schwarzschild.pdf As you can see, his formula contains no mass equations, because Ric=0, meaning there exists no mass in the universe, because in Einsteins field equations each mass must be described by it's own energy momentum tensor. Instead they use the erroneous version by Hilbert where he inserts mass, without first describing it by an energy momentum tensor, something strictly forbidden in relativity. They assume everyone is illiterate and doesn't understand these things, so that you'll believe whatever they tell you. But when confronted by someone that isn't, they are left with no options but to resort to ad hominem attacks, as they have nothing left. Instead of participating in scientific debate, they resort to personal attacks, as they have no way to attack the facts. Don't let em fool you, they require you to believe in a miracle just one that goes against the very math they claim supports it, that fails at it's doorstep, they have no answers to your question, but the same one you already know. "in the beginning..."
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined:
It's quite relevant. You can't even explain the sun or solar system correctly, and you want the OP to believe you can explain the universe? Lol, that's a good one.
You want to know what the difference is? Religion: "and God said let there be light." Modern cosmology: "and man said let there be light." Both miraculous events. Even Einstein believed god was the universe, which he equated with mass and energy.Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia quote: Spinozism - Wikipedia
quote: Matter E=mc^2, thought=energy. Einstein said:
quote: Because the human mind is what makes us unique, the electric currents that surge along the neural pathways are no different that the electric currents that surge through the universe, just of a different magnitude. He further said:
quote: and:
quote: and:
quote: So please, quit making the man angry by saying he supported your atheist views. The man was a true scientist, his mind was open to all possibilities and knew that there must be more than the puny mind of man could comprehend because of the order of the universe. He simply believed that if God did exist, it was not separate from nature, but merely an extension of it. For Spinoza, our universe (cosmos) is a mode under two attributes of Thought and Extension. Extension (metaphysics) - Wikipedia
quote: Thought - Wikipedia
quote: So Einstein believed that thought (the mind) and extension (physical reality - mass) combined were the best explanation of a divine being, that he did not feel man could ever fully explain as we were nothing but children. Seeing the wonder of it all, able to sense the underlying principles of the universe, but not able to grasp its full design. "I firmly believe, but I hope that someone will discover a more realistic way, or rather a more tangible basis than it has been my lot to find." Because he did not believe his GRT in the end met his standards, but hoped someone, someday, would be able to better explain how the universe worked. Einstein was not a man to throw Fairie Dust into the equation, just because he had no answer to what he observed. So the simple answer is you nor I, nor anyone has a valid answer to the OP. Matter can not exceed the speed of light, so instead you say it is spacetime that is expanding faster than light. What is spacetime? Absolutely nothing, since only nothing can exceed the speed of light. Your entire misconception of redshift has led you down a path you can no longer defend. Your theories are falling one by one, even though you lie and deceive to cover up this fact, and forcibly attempt to stop any facts from surfacing that goes against your personal belief system, for that is what the Big Bang is, a personal belief. This erroneous belief that redshift = distance has led you to insert Fairie Dust to explain quasars, applying a metaphysical process to explain their energy, as that error leaves you no choice but to believe they are at the furthest reaches of the universe and therefore the most energetic thing known to exist. While if you place them at their "observed" distance, they become normal, dim, and no metaphysical processes need be invoked to explain them. Every single quasar lies in the galactic plane of an active galaxy, or within a 20 degree arc of the galactic polar plane, without exception!Origins of Quasars and Galaxy Clusters - Halton Arp's official website http://www.haltonarp.com/...ifts_in_quasars_and_galaxies.pdf That the two are linked is indisputable
Google search for "markarian 205". You can clearly see the bridge of plasma in the pictures, except of course the one NASA used to say there was no link, because they used an underexposed slide. But every other photograph of it clearly shows this link. Don't believe a word they say, they are not even scientists any more, simply close-minded fools that will not even consider any other theory but their own, and any person that contradicts it is banned from telescope time, ridiculed, and forced outside their little click. They prevent the papers from entering the peer review process, simply rejecting them, will not publish any other theory, or even give it due consideration. Plasma scientists with peer reviewed articles in plasma in the IEEE (a worldwide association for publication for electrical engineers and plasma scientists) can't even get mainstream cosmologists to look at their papers, even when peer reviewed by the plasma experts, the same ones they rely on in the search for the elusive contained nuclear fusion. Hypocrites, charlatans, they are nothing more than a sect practicing pseudoscience, claiming to speak for science while ignoring and confining those same scientists to only research that goes along with their belief system. It's a sad, sad state science has devolved into, back to the days of epicycles to support their limited view of the universe. Edited by Admin, : Fix link.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
quote: I already have, in almost every post of mine. But since you must not of read any of them I'll repeat. A galaxy is composed primarily of plasma, which obeys predominantly the electromagnetic rules, not gravitational.99.999% plasma | Plasma-Universe.com Plasma | Plasma-Universe.com The galaxy is acting as a homopolar generator which causes it to rotate as if it was a rigid body. This is exactly why the outer stars rotate at the same speed as all but the very innermost stars, seemingly in direct opposition to both Newtonian gravity and Relativity. It isn't, as the innermost stars reveal as they seem to obey those laws. It is when the plasma density drops that the electromagnetic force dominates, not enough bound matter for what you call gravity to count in the equations.http://electric-cosmos.org/darkmatter.htm Page not found – Plasma-Universe.com http://electric-cosmos.org/galaxies.htm Galaxy formation | Plasma-Universe.com When complex molecules begin to form the electromagnetic force is muted, balanced. http://www.ndt-ed.org/...llege/Materials/Structure/bonds.htm
quote:So in the innermost parts of the galaxy where the plasma density is at its highest, gravity seems to act normally (there are more atoms in close proximity - the electric and magnetic fields are in balance), but as the plasma density decreases, the distance between atoms lessen, they align less often and the electromagnetic force begins to control the interactions. There is no need to modify Newton's laws, no need to posit some form of matter that can't be seen or detected because its composed of something never observed anywhere in the entire universe. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0002126 My comments in {} quote:But I don't think I need to post again the results, do I? quote:A partially true statement, because what we see around us in the everyday world is in non-plasma form. quote: First you tell me that " big bang nucleosynthesis can be used to determine the baryon fraction of the matter density in the universe quite accurately," then tell me that " The matter content of the universe seems to be at least a factor of 5 higher than the maximum amount of baryonic matter implied by big bang nucleosynthesis." So observations seem to imply that this theory is incorrect, that there is more matter than your theory predicts, simply because you can't explain things without it. Do you look for another cause in reality, not fantasyland? No, you without hesitation insist it must point to the addition of this undetectable substance. So all the evidence points to your theory being incorrect, unless of course you imagine a never before detected substance, put in just the right places, it isn't needed everywhere. A substance that doesn't react to the electromagnetic force, stays on the outskirts of galaxies, even though gravity should have caused it to condense inwards. You claim to be able to detect it gravitationally, yet it just doesn't want to obey those laws either. And what is meant when you say detected gravitationally, is that galaxies don't seem to obey the gravitational laws, so it has to exists. Or, maybe you should look into the electromagnetic force laws, since 99% of a galaxy is plasma that obeys those laws.
quote: They thought they would throw that in, so you would think they have possible proof, even though they then tell you it wouldn't matter one bit if the value was imagined to be higher, or even if they postulated another imaginary form. Isn't it just as likely that it is natural to ask if dark matter really exists, and that another force we are now observing everywhere in space might have some cause? So even if you pretend that neutrinos oscillation was 5eV instead of the 0.1eV detected it wouldn't matter anyway in the calculations. So the missing mass is still missing.
quote:Cosmological constant - Wikipedia quote:So we in reality find that the cosmological constant was added by him to make a static universe work, which he took out because it was started to theorize that redshift = distance meant expansion. So Einstein took it out to make his theory match expansion, but the author of the paper implies he took it out for no good reason, yet now you want to use the cosmological constant to explain expansion and dark Energy. Well, which is it? quote:So when you include it, you have problems with dark Energy, but the author wants to include it to explain Dark Energy and expansion, yet Einstein added it to explain a static universe, not expanding. He only took it out because you all insisted it was required he take it out to explain an expanding universe. So by wanting to add it back, you again show Einstein was correct to include it the first time which explains a static universe. I am not sure the author understood why it was removed. It was removed to fit the then formulated theory of expansion, yet he argues it was removed for no apparent reason) Double-talk once again. quote:So you think all of mainstream is wrong then? If it is composed of something then it is an aether. Are you claiming all the tests for an aether were wrong? I might agree with you on that, although it would have to remain an unsupported theory right now. I might agree because Einstein himself had thoughts of such. Aether theories - Wikipedia quote:Yet all the tests ever done were performed only with looking for aether as a moving medium. quote:Michelson—Morley experiment - Wikipedia So several negative results are enough to disprove the aether, but 20 years of negative results searching for dark Matter isn't??????? So make up your minds please, is there an aether or is there not? All the tests done say there isn't, so spacetime can be composed of nothing, which according to E is unthinkable, because without it Relativity fails. Now if there is an aether, then one must consider those theories once again. Especially the Lorentz Ether theory which matches every test performed to prove Relativity, with a much simpler explanation and more consistency. Ronald R. Hatch - Clock Behavior and The Search For An Underlying Mechanism For Relativistic Phenomena | PDF | Speed Of Light | Luminiferous Aether quote:You probably actually believe that don't you? In the geometrical interpretation there is no gravitational force, what part of that don't you understand? Objects only follow geometric field lines, they have no force acting upon them at all. The Earth doesn't emit a gravitational field, bodies moving toward it merely follow warped field lines. Therefore a stationary object on this depression, would not move at all, there is no force acting upon it. But you still can't stop thinking of it as a force, so naturally the ball begins to roll downhill because of your preconceived notion of a force acting beneath the rubber sheet. A force that does not exist in the geometric interpretation. This is why you think it works, because you can't divorce the force of gravity from your explanation (you feel it every day), even when the experts insist there is no force. So with no force, there is no cause for the ball to begin moving in the first place. In reality, there is only one explanation for the force of gravity, experimentally proven for over 100 years. http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/...ng/302l/lectures/node73.html Which is why ALL bodies orbit close to the ecliptic plane, where the electric forces converge and the magnetic field is directly perpendicular. Not just in our solar system, but everywhere we look in the universe. But you require gravity which pulls equally from all directions to somehow cause spin as matter is condensed. You aren't sure how yet, but by god it's got to be that way because we observe them spinning. How about using a force where such is a natural consequence of electromagnetic fields, which everything emits??? Error Loading Site | 502 Bad Gateway But gravity is equal in all directions, there should be no reason for any objects to be squashed in the ecliptic plane, the matter was condensed from all directions, or was it???? Now if it was condensed from plasma along Birkeland Currents to the z-pinch, then it would be pulled into the pinch from two directions, meeting in the center and expanding outwards from centrifugal force, exactly what we observe. The particles spiraling in the magnetic field the currents produce. Such spiraling again a natural consequence of electric and magnetic fields.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
quote:We have been trying that since Kristian Birkeland and Hannes Alfven were proved correct in 1967 or 1968, would have to look it up again to get the date right. But you have ignored it for the past 40 years. Frankly we are tired of mainstream ignoring it, so we have chosen to simply bypass them. Well, we know modern cosmology loves computer games, it's the only thing you have to support your DM theory, so I think since you rely on computer simulation predominantly today, you might try it yourself. Galaxy formation | Plasma-Universe.com The entire galaxy matched the galactic rotation curves we observe in space. Furthermore, as the timeline was allowed to ellapse, everything from quasars to barred spiral galaxies, eliptical and spiral were formed. We never onced asked mainstream to accept our conclussions, all we ever asked was that they look into it. Instead they refused to even consider the idea, they had their DM. They are predominate in the outer reaches because the electrical force is 10^36 times stronger: thats 10 billion, billion, billion, billion times stronger. Strong enough to more than compensate for your missing mass. It isn't that it's missing, it is simply that gravitational forces are overwhelmed in the depths of space where matter is not concentrated in sufficient quantities to balance the electrical force, make it what you call neutral. But even as tests with neutrons are showing, there still remains a slight imbalance, enogh to cause a electric dipole movement within the neutron.Neutron - Wikipedia quote:So even your own theory says a neutron is not really neutral. We are limited by the same technology you are. Do you want me to lie to you and throw some numbers out there, when we have never once been there to measure the electric fields? We only just measured the current impinging upon Enceladus (15 nuclear reactors worth of energy) and this just in our solar system, where the EM force is predominantly balanced. Shall we discuss how many watts the sun puts out? The evidence is there, we have asked mainstream for 40+ years to look into it, instead they never look, just admit astonishment when those currents are found and then dismiss them out of hand as having any effects, all the while tying to find a force to explain what they can't explain. Quite frankly we are tired of being ignored and ridiculed when you detect those same electric currents we asked you to look for in the first place. Most discovers have occurred in the last 20 years, because only then have we had the technology to peer deep into space and actually send probes out to measure it. It's measured, they admit the currents are there, but then promptly ignore them and go on with the search for DM, without once looking into the possibility that those electric currents are trying to tell you something. Do we need to continue to ask for another 40 years before you decide to get around to exploring the issue? But you didn't answer my questions, is there an aether or is there not? And if the neutron is not really neutral, then what makes you think plasma in space is neutral, when everywhere we look electric currents exist? All it takes is a small seperation of charge between two different parts of a plasma, and as plasma experiments show this seperation of current sheets can be incredibly small compared to the overall volume of the plasma. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given. Edited by justatruthseeker, : No reason given.
justatruthseeker Member (Idle past 3472 days) Posts: 117 From: Tulsa, OK, USA Joined: |
Since you are so concerned with predictive power, let's both look at something we can actually send probes to and measure. Good enough for starters? But I already included this once, but we both know you never watched or read anything posted, as that might mean you might actually start to have to question what your theories are really telling you.
The problem is that some have implied we are against Relativity, and we are not in the very least. Just about the unsubstantiated theories that are then claimed are supported by Relativity. For example, if current comet theory was found to be incorrect, it wouldn't affect Relativity one bit. If Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Black Holes, Neutron Stars and redshift = distance were thrown out, it wouldn't affect relativity one bit. As a matter of fact if you threw out redshift = recessional velocity as the only cause of redshift, it would actually fit better with relativity. Shall we start with comet predictions from both theories and see which matches the observations and tests better? Let's discuss these results shall we? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn_HqbMmn-4 Edited by justatruthseeker, : broken link fixed
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