I’m just saying that science has discovered some pretty miraculous things about this planet like QM and for that matter evolution.
Maybe it's your own astonishment that's leading
you to believe it's a miracle, or just a choice use of words to veer it toward the miraculous, but those who understand QM doen't call it miraculous. That would imply it's supernatural, and QM is very natural, predictable and testable.
Sure, but of course it is my view that this isn’t all there is, and although our current form of existence is obviously finite that we are all part of something bigger and more lasting.
But if we're going to exist beyond the physical world in your opinion, if that's even possible or something that even makes sense, what's the point then of bringing up
this physical universe and it's design qualities?
You said this universe seems designed, I pointed out that life has only existed for a tiny amount of time and will eventually be gone, and now you're telling me about another place where we'll go after that happens...and I'm imagining we'll be there for eternity. Ok, fine. So then, shouldn't your point be that we are actually designed for the afterlife, since we'll be there, well, forever?
No more than you do as when you make statements like you did above when you said so it's (intelligence and morality),simply a by-product of one species evolution.
Well, isn't it a by-product of an evolution you clearly agree happened? Even if you believe the God of the Christian Bible gave it to us, you would have to agree that he did so through the process of evolution and we've developed it (intelligence and morality) to the levels you find today throughout the world.
How else do you believe it would have happened if not like that?
Well, science is a long way from doing that so right now as I said it is simply science of the gaps but if it does happen it will require some scientist somewhere to figure out which chemicals and in what combination.
It's much closer than you're suggesting it is. In fact, it's very close and I invite you again to search the thread here that cover it.
If it is so simple then why don’t we see it happening all the time. We only see life forming from existing life.
Even when life is being created from other life, it's no more complicated than chemical reactions. Which are themselves nothing more complicated than a collection of elements.
In the next life how about we re-constitute EvC and we’ll be in a better position to debate the quality of the design and purpose.
I get to be Percy in the next life!
- Oni