Humans are strange creatures. It would be as if i made a robot and gave it a brain and speech and it looked at me and said that I had to come from somewhere...even though for all intents and purposes I pre-existed the bleepin robot! What mechanical hubris!
How is that hubris? My parents made me, and their parents made them, and you made your imaginary is it hubris to understand that you DID have to come from somewhere? To me your robot has more intellectual integrity than many Christians I know, who are afraid to question their concept of God.
It seems to me that the hubris is yours in that somehow in your brain if you create something, say, an imaginary robot, that you are somehow above its questioning.
To me this is clearly the projection of the slave (doulos) mentality you think God demands of you, onto other people and things.
"...heck is a small price to pay for the truth"