Nucleic acids are the information storage system of life. When there was no life, why did nature invent a storage system to store the information about sometning (Life) which was still not existent, and hence there was no information to store. Can we suppose the invention of a floppy disk, a CD or a pen drive before the invention of computer? Can we suppose the invention of bank before the invention of money?
Can we imagine that nature "invented" chalk and slate before the invention of writing? Yes. Yes we can. How about clay and reeds, as were used by the Babylonians? Yup. Birch bark and sharp pieces of flint? Yup. Animal hide and oak galls? Yup.
Analogies are tricky things. I recommend that you think about RNA by actually thinking
about RNA rather than about things such as floppy disks which RNA vaguely reminds you of.