When you say "massive particle", is that any particle with mass?
Yes, no matter how small a mass.
Do the different paths through [4d]Reimannian space[-time] correspond to different paths in [our everyday 3d] Euclidean space?
Yes, though I don't think we'd ever be able observe the difference without some decent source of curvature, such as a black hole. I have mentioned this photon orbit that exists half again as far from the centre of Schwarzschild black hole as the event horizon. Photons will zip around on this circular orbit quite happily, but anything with mass will spiral into the event horizon.
ABE: ah, SG beat me to it - that's what happens when you write a post then forget to submit it for several hours
Edited by cavediver, : No reason given.
Edited by cavediver, : write not right as it was written right.