And what if there is some kind of natural universal energy field out there, of which all living things partake?
And what if evidence were to be found of such an energy field? Conclusive evidence? Evidence that we could communicate with such a universal field?
What do you think the reaction of the world's 40,000+ different religions, sects, denominations, etc. would be? You think they would say, "Aha! Now we have found the TRUTH at last?"
Not a chance. There are too many egos involved, and too many folks making a good living. And too much belief in unevidenced dogma. There would be lots of good old fashioned "burnings at the stake" over such a discovery. And probably a few thousand more schisms. (That's what you get when you rely on belief instead of evidence.)
Reminds me of Heinlein's comment, "Belief gets in the way of learning."
I almost thought you were describing the secular science community and their attachment to Darwinism and the theory of evolution. Maybe both sides can put away their love/hate of God and look for truth.
Where are you? I really enjoyed reading your posts. Keep them coming.
Edited by mram10, : No reason given.