how can you say that homosexuality is perfectly acceptable, while maintaining that incest or pedophilia is not, all the while defending moral relativism?
I'll have a go at this.
I don't even have to consider bestiality or pedophilia.
Homosexuality is the attraction to your own sex. This is the main thing that makes it different from heterosexuality, otherwise its basically the same thing.
So its people falling in love, living together, getting married, supporting each other, rasing families, and people having one night stands, people living in chosen or involuntary celibacy etc.
It happens between consenting adults, or between peers of roughly same age.
My question would be - what would make it morally wrong? though people might get hurt it is not inherintly hurtful. It makes people happy, and helps them in their pursuit of happiness.
Now I believe that people should be free to live as they please, as long as their choices does not harm other people, or place an undue burden on others or on society.
Do you agree with these beliefs? If no - which of them do you disagree with? If you do, then I can't see why you shouldn't agree with me that homosexuality is perfectly fine. Its just a way for people to live which makes themselves and other people happy.
If we disagree on some of these things, then we can discuss this and perhaps find that we have different moral groundings, and identify which groundings it is. If they are indeed different then we must agree to disagree, you have your morals and I have mine, and never the twine shall meet.
See it wasn't hard, and it was all based on my own morality which I recognize might be different than yours, hence all relative morality.