I would suggest that the vagueness of ID is an intentional feature of the movement. ID was always intended as an alliance of anti-evolutionists,...
Per Kenneth Miller, in
"Finding Darwin's God" (I think) - Michael Behe concedes the old Earth and evolution, including humans and the great apes having a common ancestor. Unfortunately, I didn't seem to put that in that topic.
I find Behe to be the intelligent design variety of a theistic evolutionist. I also find Behe to being the strongest supporter of ID, and that's not very strong.
Members may also wish to look over the
Theistic Evolution vs. Intelligent Design topic.
Also, there is the
Behe on organismal evolution topic.
Edited by Minnemooseus, : Not "thing", "think".
Edited by Minnemooseus, : Add last sentence and link.