Since I consider that on-line tests are inherently stupid, I thought an experiment might be interesting. I took the test twice, except that I didn't even read the questions. I merely selected "strongly disagree" or "strongly agree" based on alternating the two answers throughout the test. In the first go-around, I selected strongly disagree for the first question, then alternated. For the second, I selected strongly agree.
Interestingly, in spite of what are in fact diametrically opposed answers to each question, the results came out
exactly the same in both cases.
Your scores:
Radicalism: 38 percent
Tenderness: 47 percent
Socialism: 2 percent
These scores indicate that you are a conservative; this is the political profile one might associate with a police officer. It appears that you are accepting of religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.
To round out the picture, your attitudes towards economics appear capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as right-wing.
This concludes our analysis; we hope you found your results accurate, useful, and interesting.
Accurate? Nah. Interesting, perhaps. Anyone have an analysis of why absolutely and completely opposite answers would come out with the same results?