I wish I could help Genomicus but i've read thru some recent pages and am quite lost. He's being bombarded pretty good by lots of people and he's new.
Can anyone someone lay his position out for me in laymans terms? Is he arguing that evolution was front loaded by a creator/deity?
Or is he arguing for the IDist POV along with the likes of Behe and Meyer?
Like I said this above my pay grade especially the last few posts by Mr Jack and Wounded King so if someone has the time can you summarize his position for me, it's to complicated from the various posts.
Not that i'm going to be able to help him but maybe provide some support somehow if I understand it more. Thanks.
A reasonable person would stay out of a debate if he does not understand it or if the subject matter is beyond their grasp. You will notice that most "evolutionists" here are staying out of the debate.
I find it amazing that you want to support Geno, solely because he has a theistic argument. You do not care if his argument is correct, but it must be because it is theistic. That is disgusting.
Oh for just one honest Creo.
Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts