My favorite excerpts from the wikipedia article on Biologic Institute (with my comments interspersed):
The Discovery Institute stated in October 2006 that intelligent design research is being conducted by the institute in secret to avoid the scrutiny of the scientific community.
In my opinion the only thing that will kill off ID as a concern is a thorough scientific spanking of ID research. This won't really happen as long as ID remains the subject of popular books and hidden research. The creation of the Biologic Institute might well be the beginning of the end for ID as a scientific concern, unless they keep their research secret. Oh wait. That's what they are doing.
I don't much care what happens to the rotting carcass of ID once it is proven to be biological numerology, because after such a debacle there will never be any rational reason to include ID in a K-12 curriculum; at least not in a curriculum that doesn't ridicule ID along with alchemy and astrology.
The scientific community remains skeptical and commentators note that no publications containing results which support intelligent design have yet appeared.[3][26][27] Reason magazine compared the research efforts at the Biologic Institute to those of "Big Tobacco"[28] and the 2006 New Scientist editorial noted that this sort of research is similar to the agenda-driven research of the tobacco and oil industries.
I have to admit that the above is what I expect when a US based scientific research organization calls itself "Institute." There are actually laws in the UK that govern the use of the term "institute", and restrict its use to organizations conducting scientific research of the highest order. There is little likelihood that any of the US organizations mentioned in the above quote would qualify for their names under UK standards.
University of Warwick sociologist Steve Fuller, who testified in support of intelligent design at the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial, opines that research at the Biologic Institute will reduce tensions between scientists and the religious community. Fuller states that "Regardless of whether the science cuts any ice against evolution, one of the virtues is that it could provide a kind of model for how religiously motivated people can go into the lab.
Right, Steve. As if...
As if religiously motivated people currently have no interest in contributing to technology or science. As if 'religious person' means 'creationist'. And finally, as if a true and honorable purpose for true Christian scientist is faux-science apologetics.
I suppose I'm ranting again. I haven't had much sleep this week.
Edited by NoNukes, : Fix silly grammatical errors, and I'm sure I've missed worse ones.
Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846)