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Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined:
Buz, Artimes, Portillo,
What shining examples of your faith you are. Would you expect any of us on the science side to mock a priest when he dies? You disgust me. Dawn Bertot - Is your god so fucking weak that he needs you to defend him?
You fellas have not the slightest hestitation to demean the God of the Bible, you even seem to take pleasure in it, with your heros like Hitchens I demean your god because he deserves it. I say negative things about the bad guys in any book or movie I watch.
Irepeat he was a piece of Garbage and a piece of dung, especially compared to the entity that created and has and has maintained your worthless existence. There si a difference in people who do things in ignorance and those like Hitchens that flaunt thier blasphemy in the open Lets see what Hitch said about the entity who created us...
You are offensive to those mourning a dead man because he debated against your god. Hitch fought for the common person without any hope for an eternal reward. I believe that makes him more altruistic than the average christian. He was a better man than me, he was a better man than you. The least you could do, the least any respectful, decent person would do, is maintain silence. You did not have to post anything. Posting derogitory remarks only makes me more comfortable in my position in direct opposition to you and those like you. If there is a god, and it is the one discussed in the bible, then Hitch is probably discussing with him how to deal with people like you. Because people like you are his enemy as much as Hitches. Edited by Butterflytyrant, : No reason given.I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong Butterfly, AKA, mallethead - Dawn Bertot "Superstitions and nonsense from the past should not prevent us from making progress. If we hold ourselves back, we admit that our fears are more powerful than our abilities." Hunters of Dune Herbert & Anderson 2011 leading candidate for the EvC Forum Don Quixote award
Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined:
And how blind you are to think that Hitch never threw a few stones at religion. Did you even read my post? I agreed that Hitch did debate against religion (you should refer to him as Christopher Hitchens or Mr Hitchens). My point was that he have negative things to say about religion but he backed up everything he said. You and the others like you are having a petty stab at a dead man. And not because of any specific thing he said, but because he said it at all. Would you like to select something he said to disagree with? Or would you like to continue to display the vast hypocrisy of your faith you petty, petty man.I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong Butterfly, AKA, mallethead - Dawn Bertot "Superstitions and nonsense from the past should not prevent us from making progress. If we hold ourselves back, we admit that our fears are more powerful than our abilities." Hunters of Dune Herbert & Anderson 2011 leading candidate for the EvC Forum Don Quixote award
Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined:
He backed up everything he said? Atheistic regimes have killed over 100 million people. Thats 10,000 times more than all religious atrocities put together since the beginning of time. This is total bullshit. But I won't tell you why you are full of shit. Since you are directing this statement at Hitchens, I will let him reply -
Cant get the second vid to link - click here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrj6qJ-GMic He also devotes an entire chapter to this claim in his book God is Not Great : How Religion Poisons Everything. from wiki -
quote: Here is a link to a torrent supplying the audiobook for free - The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient bittorrent site I am sure you would not want to give any money to his estate and I am sure he would be happy for you to have a copy for free because you may learn something. You doubted that Hitchens backed up his claims? I have supplied you two public debates and a book where he has done. I don't think that the claim that 'atheistic regimes' (whatever they are?) have killed 10, 000 times --- ABE *snip* --- to be taken seriously. The previous paragraphs statement was faulty on my part so i removed it. Dr A deals with it in the message below. I will start a thread with this claim in order for you to defend your claim. ABE - here it is Message 1 Edited by Butterflytyrant, : No reason given. Edited by Butterflytyrant, : youtube vid??? Edited by Butterflytyrant, : second vid wont link? Edited by Butterflytyrant, : No reason given. Edited by Butterflytyrant, : No reason given. Edited by Butterflytyrant, : No reason given.I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong Butterfly, AKA, mallethead - Dawn Bertot "Superstitions and nonsense from the past should not prevent us from making progress. If we hold ourselves back, we admit that our fears are more powerful than our abilities." Hunters of Dune Herbert & Anderson 2011 leading candidate for the EvC Forum Don Quixote award
Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined: |
Dawn Bertot,
your comprehension is fucking terrible. From your reply you do not actually understand anything that I wrote. Have another go at reading my post. Then you can have a go at supplying a reply that indicates that you have read and understood it. I am not going to bother replying to rambling bullshit that is irrelevant to what I said.I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong Butterfly, AKA, mallethead - Dawn Bertot "Superstitions and nonsense from the past should not prevent us from making progress. If we hold ourselves back, we admit that our fears are more powerful than our abilities." Hunters of Dune Herbert & Anderson 2011 leading candidate for the EvC Forum Don Quixote award
Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined: |
I believe that is game, set and match gentlemen.
Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined:
Hey Chuck,
Can you provide any messages that show athiests making direct derogatory statements about Jesus? Most of us do not have any reason to believe that the man actually existed so it would be a waste of our time to call him names. You suggest that we mock Jesus all day long so it should not be hard to come up with statements that equal these -
He was a filthy piece of garbage and a piece of dung.
Dawn Bertot in Message 38 speaking of puerile dickheads, did you hear that Hitch died? Artemis Entreri in Message 103 the guy was a troll. I am glad he is dead, fuck him. Artemis Entreri in Message 113 Also, keep three things in mind with regards to any statements that you do find where athiests directly abuse towards Jesus or God. 1. Jesus is likley a mythical figure who died over 2000 years ago. I would have thought that a 2000 year mourning period would be enough. 2. Jesus was only dead for 72 hours so we are not mocking a dead man. We would be mocking a man who has sat in paridise for 2000 years and can expect to remain there for all eternity. I would think that a few course statements would not trouble him. 3. God is a god. Do you not think that God would be thick skinned enough to take it? Or is your god so fucking weak that he needs you, and the other mere mortals to stand up for him? I really dont have a problem with anyone saying negative things about Hitch. I have no doubt that he would not have a problem with it with it either. What I do have issue with is people leaving derogatory posts about a man for the simple fact that he said bad things about their religion. You, AE, DB etc so far have not posted anything of substance as yet. You dont have any response to anything he actually said, you just dont like him because he said nything at all. I believe that your position is weak and deserves to be questioned. All of the posts have been argumentum ad hominem. Do any of you have something to say about his arguements or can you just attack the man?I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong Butterfly, AKA, mallethead - Dawn Bertot "Superstitions and nonsense from the past should not prevent us from making progress. If we hold ourselves back, we admit that our fears are more powerful than our abilities." Hunters of Dune Herbert & Anderson 2011 leading candidate for the EvC Forum Don Quixote award
Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined: |
His arguments were 101 stuff. They put me to sleep I have posted several of his videos here. Care to respond?I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong Butterfly, AKA, mallethead - Dawn Bertot "Superstitions and nonsense from the past should not prevent us from making progress. If we hold ourselves back, we admit that our fears are more powerful than our abilities." Hunters of Dune Herbert & Anderson 2011 leading candidate for the EvC Forum Don Quixote award
Butterflytyrant Member (Idle past 4738 days) Posts: 415 From: Australia Joined:
Hello Dawn Bertot,
it is a bit difficult to give a readers digest version of his debates. Some transscripts run into tens of thousands of words. But here are some short quotes, take your pick...
quote: I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong Butterfly, AKA, mallethead - Dawn Bertot "Superstitions and nonsense from the past should not prevent us from making progress. If we hold ourselves back, we admit that our fears are more powerful than our abilities." Hunters of Dune Herbert & Anderson 2011 leading candidate for the EvC Forum Don Quixote award
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