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GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined:
Buzsaw writes: He left an anti-God and anti-Christian, aggressively vocal, atheistic legacy up to the end. Before he died he said he loved surprises. (ABE: Unfortunately and sadly for him,) as per the observable evidence of the existence of the God who he denied, I have to agree that his last surprise will be a rude awakening. It appears to me that you have this all sorted out for God making Him somewhat redundant. It seems to me that you, and jar for that matter, should quit worrying about how God is going to deal with others, and just get on with what He wants of us. We are told clearly by Christ that we are not to judge and then by Paul as well. Paul in fact goes further in that his conscience isn’t clear and that he too will be judged saying that only God know what is in a man’s heart. There is no one on this board who knows the heart of Christopher Hitchens. As Christians we are to leave the judging of men’s hearts to God and all we are called to do is to pray for him. Let's look at the scriptures.
Matthew 7 writes: 1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.John 12 writes: 44 Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.45When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.46I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.47"As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.Romans 2 writes: 1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.2 Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?Romans 14 writes: 10 You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat.11 It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.1 Cor 4 writes: 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God. IMHO I think that your response on this thread makes my point that so called Biblical literalists actually aren’t reading the Bible literally at all, but only when they find it consistent with their pre-conceived ideas.Everybody is entitled to my opinion.
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
GDR writes: It seems to me that you, and jar for that matter, should quit worrying about how God is going to deal with others, and just get on with what He wants of us.Buzsaw writes: Aren't you making a judgement, by implying that either of us are not? I was expressing an opinion which is a little different than saying that you or anyone else is essentially condemned to hell.
Buzsaw writes:
I haven't said that there won't be judgement but it isn't up to you or me to pronounce it. As I said, only God knows our hearts and so it is my opinion that we just leave it up to Him. Look at your quotes. None of them are talking about who is condemned to hell. They say that there is judgement and I trust in God to see that it well be truly just.
The same man said a lot pertaing to judgement; some relative to good judgement and some to bad. Buzsaw writes: Mmm. In your judgement, your implication is that I'm not reading my Bible, in that I'm a Biblical literalist making a judgement about someone. I have made it a practice of reading and studying my Bible, taking notes etc for over 60 years, from the time of my conversion at about age 10, including the four years in the Air Force.
I'm sure you know the Bible backwards and forwards but I do believe that your way of understanding it is mistaken. This isn't a judgement but it is my opinion that your way of understanding the Scriptures leads to a false understanding of the nature of God and His plans for us and His creation. However, we are both guilty of extremely bad taste in discussing this issue in this thread. If you want to discuss it further go to the thread "A Problem With the Literal Interpretation of Scripture". I disagreed fundamentally with Chris Hitchens take on Christianity but he was a gifted passionate writer who believed strongly in what he was doing. I enjoyed reading what he had to say. Whether I disagreed with him or agreed with him his writings were thoughtfully written and always left me thinking over what he had to say. I’ll miss opening my morning paper and reading his columns. RIP Christopher Hitchens Everybody is entitled to my opinion.
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
The article that follows my brief take on it is from CNN. It also has links to some interesting videos.
One thing that comes out of this is that Hitchens was not just some ideologue who refused to look at all sides of an issue. I think that Christians could learn from many of his critiques of the church. I think that so often if one is to base their conclusions of what Christianity is about on the church it is no wonder that many reject it. Christopher Hitchens was very often spot on on his critiques even if IMHO he missed the fundamental truth of Christianity. I would have loved to have a chance to have lunch with him. Here is the link to this article and the accompanying video. [url=My Take: An evangelical remembers his friend Hitchens – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs[]CNN - Christopher Hitchens[/url] By Larry Alex Taunton, Special to CNN (CNN)— I first met Christopher Hitchens at the EdinburghInternational Festival. We were both there for the same event, and foremost in my mind was the sort of man I would meet. A journalist and polemicist, his reputation as a critic of religion, politics, Britain's royal family, and, well, just about everything else was unparalleled. As an evangelical, I was certain that he would hate me. When the expected knock came at my hotel room door, I braced for the fire-breather who surely stood on the other side of it. With trepidation, I opened it and he burst forth into my room. Wheeling on me, he began the conversation as if it was the continuance of some earlier encounter: The Archbishop of Canterbury has effectively endorsed the adoption of Sharia law. Can you believe that? Whatever happened to a Church of England that believed in something? He alternated between sips of his Johnnie Walker and steady tugs on a cigarette. My eyebrows shot up. ‘Believed in something?’ Why, Christopher, you sound nostalgic for a church that actually took the Bible seriously. He considered me for a moment and smiled. Indeed. Perhaps I do. There was never a formal introduction. There was no need for one. From that moment, I knew that I liked him. We immediately discovered that we had much in common. We were descendants of martial traditions; we loved literature and history; we enjoyed lively discussion with people who didn’t take opposition to a given opinion personally; and we both found small talk boring. Over the next few years, we would meet irregularly. The location was invariably expensive, a Ritz Carlton or a Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. He disliked cheap restaurants and cheap liquor. In his view, plastic menus were indicative of bad food. I never ate so well as when I was with Hitch. More than bad food, however, he disliked unintelligent conversation. What do you think about gay marriage? He didn’t wait for a response. I don’t get it. I really don’t. It’s like wanting the worst of both worlds. He drank deeply of his whiskey. I mean, if I was gay, I would console myself by saying, ‘Well, I’m gay, but at least I don’t have to get married.’ That was classic Hitch. Witty. Provocative. Unpredictable. Calling him on his cell one day, he sounded like he was flat on his back. Breathing heavily, there was desperation in his voice. What’s wrong? I asked, anticipating some tragedy. Only minutes ago, I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He was almost gasping. I didn’t know what to say. No one ever does in such moments, so we resort to meaningless stock phrases like, I’m sorry. Instead, I just groaned. I will never forget his response: I had plans for the next decade of my life. I think I should cancel them. He asked me to keep the matter private until he could tell his family and make the news public. Hesitatingly, I told him that while I knew that he did not believe in such things, I would pray for him. He seemed genuinely moved by the thought. We are still on for our event in Birmingham, right? He asked. I was stunned. Sensing my surprise, he continued. I have made a commitment, he insisted. Besides, what else am I going to do? I can’t just sit around waiting to die. We are still on for our event in Birmingham, right? He asked. I was stunned. Sensing my surprise, he continued. I have made a commitment, he insisted. Besides, what else am I going to do? I can’t just sit around waiting to die. As time approached, he suggested a road trip from his D.C. apartment to my home in Birmingham, Alabama.Flying has become a humiliating experience, don’t you think? He said. Besides, I haven’t taken a road trip in 20 years and it will give us a chance to talk and for me to finally take you up on your challenge. Arriving in Washington some five months after his diagnosis, I was shocked by his appearance. Heavy doses of chemotherapy had left him emaciated, and hairless but for his eyelashes. His clothes hung off of him as though he were a boy wearing a man’s garments. He was, nonetheless, looking forward to our journey, having packed a picnic lunch and, predictably, enough Johnnie Walker for a battalion. After breakfast with his lovely wife, Carol, and his sweet daughter, Antonia, Hitch and I headed south on an eleven-hour road trip. Have you a copy of Saint John with you? He asked with a smile. If not, you know I do actually have one. This was a reference to my challenge of two years before: a joint study of the Gospel of John. It was my assertion that he had never really read the Bible, but only cherry-picked it. Not necessary. I was smiling, too. I brought mine.A few hours later we were wending our way through the Shenandoah Valley on a beautiful fall morning. As I drove, Hitch read aloud from the first chapter of John’s Gospel. We then discussed its meaning. No cameras, no microphones, no audience. And that always made for better conversation with Hitch. When he referenced our journey in a televised debate with David Berlinski the next day, various media representatives descended on me to ask about our argument. When I said that we didn’t really argue, they lost interest. But that was the truth. It was a civilized, rational discussion. I did my best to move through the prologue verse by verse, and Christopher asked thoughtful questions. That was it.A bit put off by how the Berlinski event had played out, Hitch suggested we debate one another. Friend though he was, I knew that Hitch could be a savage debater. More than once I had chaired such engagements where Hitch went after his opponents remorselessly. Hence, I was more than a bit anxious. Here he was, a celebrated public intellectual, an Oxonian, and bestselling author, and that is to say nothing of that Richard Burton-like, aristocratic, English-accented baritone. That always added a few I.Q. points in the minds of people. With hesitation, I agreed. We met in Billings, Montana. Hitch had once told me that Montana was the only state he had never been in. I decided to complete his tour of the contiguous United States and arranged for the two of us to meet there. Before the debate, a local television station sent a camera crew over to interview us. When he was asked what he thought of me, a Christian, and an evangelical at that, Hitch replied: If everyone in the United States had the same qualities of loyalty and care and concern for others that Larry Taunton had, we'd be living in a much better society than we do. I was moved. Stunned, really. As we left, I told him that I really appreciated the gracious remark. I meant it and have been waiting for an opportunity to say it.Later that night we met one another in rhetorical combat. The hall was full. Christopher, not I, was of course the real attraction. He was at the peak of his fame. His fans had traveled near and far to see him demolish another Christian. Overall, it was a hard-fought but friendly affair. Unknown to the audience were the inside jokes. When I told a little story from our road trip, he loved it. The debate over, I crossed the stage to shake Christopher’s hand. You were quite good tonight, he said with a charming smile as he accepted my proffered hand. I think they enjoyed us. You were gentle with me, I said as we turned to walk off the stage.He shook his head. Oh, I held nothing back. He then surveyed the auditorium that still pulsed with energy. We are still having dinner? he asked. Absolutely. After a quick cigarette on the sidewalk near the backstage door, he went back inside to meet his fans and sign their books.There was something macabre about it all. I had the unsettling feeling that these weren’t people who cared about him in the least. Instead, they seemed like a bunch of groupies who wanted to have a photo taken with a famous but dying man, so that one day they could show it to their buddies and say, I knew him before he died. It was a sad spectacle. Turning away, I entered the foyer, where 30 or so Christians greeted me excitedly. Mostly students, they were encouraged by what had happened onstage that night. Someone had spoken for them, and it had put a bounce in their step. One young man told me that he had been close to abandoning his faith, but that the debate had restored his confidence in the truth of the gospel. Another student said that she saw how she could use some of the same arguments. It is a daunting task, really, debating someone of Hitchens' intellect and experience, but if this cheery gathering of believers thought I had done well, then all of the preparation and expense had been worth it. The next day, the Fixed Point Foundation staff piled into a Suburban and headed for Yellowstone National Park. Christopher and I followed behind in a rented pick-up truck. Accompanied by Simon & Garfunkel (his choice), we drove through the park at a leisurely pace and enjoyed the grandeur of it all. The second chapter of John’s Gospel was on the agenda: The wedding at Cana where Jesus turned water into wine. That is my favorite miracle, Hitch quipped. Lunching at a roadside grill, he regaled our staff with stories. Afterwards, he was in high spirits.That’s quite a - how shall I put it? A clan? - team that you’ve got there, he said, watching the teenage members of our group clamber into the big Chevrolet.Yes, it is, I said, starting the truck. They enjoyed your stories. I enjoy them. He reclined his seat and we were off again. Shall we do all of the national parks? Yes, and maybe the whole Bible, too, I suggested playfully. He gave a laugh.Oh, and Larry, I’ve looked at your book. He added. And? Well, all that you say about our conversation is true, but you have one detail wrong. And what is that? I feared a total rewrite was coming. You have me drinking Johnnie Walker Red Label. That’s the cheap stuff. I only drink Black Label. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Larry Alex Taunton. Edited by GDR, : typo
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
You'll have to do better than that. Just read the following quote from Hitch in post 75.
Christopher Hitchens writes:
You have me drinking Johnnie Walker Red Label. That’s the cheap stuff. I only drink Black Label
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
A moving testimony by his brother.
Pater Hitchens
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined:
I should stay out of this but let me add my 2 cents. I agree with Faith that it is all about faith but as a Christian I would say that Faith has misconstrued what it is that we are to have faith in.
Faith is IMHO all wrapped in who is in and who is out so to speak, and that is determined by whether or not one believes in the correct doctrine. The basic message of the Gospels is that we are called to a vocation. The point is to have faith in and live out the message that was Jesus' call on our lives. Yes, the Gospels do say that we can have relationship with Jesus/God, but that vocation is for all of mankind, and not just Christians. We are called to live a life based on humble kindness and mercy while loving our neighbours as ourselves. I would agree that in ways that can't begin to comprehend, that our lives now will impact what happens with us when this world is renewed, but I'm more than happy to let God worry about that. I listened to a number of debates involving Hitchens and in some cases I thought he sounded more Christ like than the Christians he was debating.He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Tangle writes: Unless the economists is including Islamic theocracys, I would doubt that very much. Within the Christian church I would think that the only great wealth is in real estate which the various churches have had for decades or centuries. but one interesting comment by an economist made my day; the global wealth invested by religions is $17 trillion - about 20% of all invested wealth. So much for the widow's mite and giving up all to follow Christ.He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Tangle writes: First off, how about a link to your economist rather than just your assertion. It's ALL religious wealth.Why would it matter if it was held in stocks and shares or land and property? Does he include Islamic theocracys? I mention the real estate simply because much of the real estate value is involved in building that are decades and centuries old and are now historic sites and their value is more intrinsic as opposed to having an actual monetary value. He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Tangle writes:
Here is the definition of a Christian from that wiki site
This appears to be individual wealth rather than th3 religious organisations themselves. But more than half of world wealth held by Christians - fine Christians they are eh? From Wiki writes: Christians are people who follow or adhere to Christianity, a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The words Christ and Christian derive from the Koine Greek title Christs (), a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term mashiach (’). Firstly they have a very loose definition of w;hat constitutes a Christian. I have numerous friends who call themselves Christian because they grew up in a Christian culture, but never read the Bible and never attend church. However, they are Christian because they have the general idea of the Golden Rule and that it's a good thing. The other thing is, is that it is obvious that Christians are much better at earning money, and clearly more intelligent that the non-believers who don't even make the chart. He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Tangle writes: Not really. We both live in secular countries but yet the western world is still considered culturally Christian. I just question what it is they are basing their statistics on. No true Scotsman, eh?He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Religious people donate more
From the report;quote: He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Tangle writes:
Religious institutions are man made institutions and everything man made is fallible. However having said that I would hope that the money that flows from wealth is used wisely. If you have wealth and give it all to the poor it is a one time gift. If however you use that wealth to create income and give that to the poor you have a gift that keeps on giving. It is how religious institutions use their wealth that matters, just as it is for individuals. Anyway, the point being made is that religious institutions are incredibly wealthy and not doing what their saviour instructs them to do. Why?He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
dwise1 writes: I agree completely with all of that.
One of the sticky points of charity is the same as for altruism: giving/sacrificing with no thought of reward (for if you give or sacrifice for sake of being rewarded (eg, with salvation, with advancing your religion) then you are in fact not being altruistic). Giving with recipients knowing who you are will have you seeking praise, while giving knowing who the recipients are can have you seeking to support specific groups for non-charitable motives. Only that last combination with donor and recipients not knowing who each other is would most safely approach charity. dwise1 writes: You’re probably right. I should have done more research before posting. I will say though that all reports have some bias or another.
That raises the issue of strong religionist bias in the article, which is borne out by the article itself, in which the only factor it examines is religious affiliation versus non-religious. It completely ignores other important factors to explain the numbers. In that, it is nothing more than a typical religionist hatchet job trying to falsely claim some kind of moral superiority. dwise1 writes: Most of the people working in churches are just, unionized or not, busy people just trying to get by, but they still seem to find time and money to be involved.
It's a simple fact that effective charity requires organization. You need to identify where the need is and what is needed. You need to set up collection and distribution networks. Collection can be augmented by organizing drives for donors. In contrast, unorganized individuals are busy enough just living their lives and getting by, which leaves them with very little time to do a lot of redundant independent research identifying need, analyzing how to address that need, and applying a small amount of personal excess funds which ends up being very ineffective in address that need. dwise1 writes:
This is a stereotypical view of Christianity. As I have lived in several places with in Canada I have been a member of several churches all Anglican, but I have also been involved with other churches but not as a member. Also, with their power to identify where the need is and how to address it, they are subject to the temptation to exploit their charity work to advance their own sectarian agenda. And the non-religious are then tasked with determining whether a particular charity has a religious agenda that they do not wish to promote with their contributions. More on all that below.So why do the religious contribute? Because they are taught that they must. Because they somehow feel that by "being charitable" they are gaining "Brownie points" for salvation; even though that might not be theologically sound, that feeling still remains. At the very least, they feel that if they are indeed saved, then they need to demonstrate that "fact" by acting charitably *. But the real selling point is that those charities promote their church's mission in proselytizing. Obviously, those pressures do not exist for the non-religious, but that does not keep the non-religious from making charitable contributions. Though for the sake of actually helping others instead of trying to promote a particular religion. Frankly, I agree that people in churches are more inclined to give to charities that have Christian leadership, not necessarily because they want to proselytize, but because, rightly or wrongly, they have more confidence in the integrity of the recipients. Firstly, I don’t see members donating in order to get brownie points with either God or the church, and In addition if they are then we are back to your first point which I agreed with. However, it is hard enough to judge my own motivations let alone the motivations of others. It isn’t about what we do that Jesus calls us except indirectly. It is what we do as a result of having hearts that love sacrificially. Like you pointed out, it is one thing to give in order to gain approval from God, church or anyone else, as opposed to give in order to simply improve the lives of others. He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
GDR Member Posts: 6223 From: Sidney, BC, Canada Joined: |
Tangle writes: wealthy organization - starting of with charitable organizations Other than the Cathoilic church whose wealth nobody knows, but it is a lot, and the Mormon church the rest of the Christian churches seem to be about the same as Imam Khomeini's Order or the Bill Gates foundation which is funded by essentially 2 people.
Let's look at what wiki says about the wealth of the churches. Tangle writes: I doubt that the Catholic church has any idea of its worth as it is scattered all over the world. It appears by wiki that it isn't worth that much and presumably a lot of it isn't liquid anyway. You would hope? Why do you have to hope, this is factual? Why don't we know how much the Vatican is worth and what it's doing with it? Why don't we know in detail the wealth of your Anglican church and how it's being used and - more importantly - why it has any wealth at all? Why is it not following its founder's teachings? Presumably you are pulling a Faith and cherry picking the verse which talks about the rich young guy giving all he has and following Jesus. The context of the whole NT is about what you do with whatever you have to give.He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
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