I will quote form P. N. Harrison's book, Polycarps Two Epistles To The Philippians.
Polycarp must hff have been familiar with all or most of the following
A The Synoptic Gospels and Acts
Lightfoot, as we have seen, recognized six definite quotations from Matthew, two from Mark, three from Luke, and two from Acts, in addition to two resemblances to Matthew and four to Acts.
P. 294 to 295
...Polycarps collection of Paulines... shows clear signs of acquaintance with the Pastoral Epistles
P. 296
E The Catholic Epistles
With the exception of 2 Peter, Polycarp shows possible affinities with all or most of the Catholic Epistles
P. 302
Reference has already been made in Chapter XVIII to the negative fact that our Epistle affords no sign that Polycarp had ever read, or heard of, the Fourth Gospel.
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Edited by LamarkNewAge, : No reason given.