It appears anyone can just dig up any old set of bones and within limits claim that it is homo erectus
Thing is nature and evolution does not work the way you think it does it does not put things in neat little boxes.
Say you see someone that has skin webbing between his fingers is he still human or is he alredy homo sapiens natator (swimmer)
Say that this child is born on an island and slowly this trait of webbed fingers becomes domminant in the population because it allows them to swimm better and collect more food thus having more wives and more children....
Are they now homo sapiens natator
Say a noter child is borne whitin this population that has gills or gill like organs allowing him to breathe under water
Is he now homo sapiens natator
And when the population of this island all have gills or gill like organs are they now homo sapiens natator?
And if a group of these people decide to rather stay under watter because its more productive or whatever and evolve under the same pressure of better swimming more offspring at what point do they cease to be homo sapiens and become homo sapiens natator
Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
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