To get some of the text content into this topic, I quote from
Buz's source:
The message that Schiff wants to extend is that what the protesters are complaining about isn’t capitalism, rather corporatism; big government and big business colluding together to distort the market and rob taxpayers. Some of the conversation is interesting, much of it is one-sided with OWS protesters railing against capitalism and for bigger government. The ignorance of economics you’ll hear from the protesters is astounding.
I (more or less) agree with the Schiff position - I don't know what portion of the OWS protesters also do.
Corporatism = bad capitalism? The conservative push seems to favor big business and small government. Not so much collusion as a capture of government by big business.
By the way, Buz - Do you consider it moral or immoral for an individual to be paid far more than he/she has earned?