No employer in UK or the US is going to just let them take normal work time off for that purpose 24/7. No?
I've been working since I was 16. At no job I've had since then, full time or part time, has my employer EVER said..
"Hey, whatcha doin on that vacation? Going to the lake? No no no, I'll have to decline your vacation because I don't agree with you using YOUR vacation time for that".
They have never taken away one of my DAYS OFF because of what I was going to do with my day off. They have NEVER forced me to stay until midnight because I was going to have something for dinner AFTER WORK that they didn't like, or made me come in earlier because of how I enjoy spending my morning BEFORE WORK.
It is MY vacation. It is MY TIME. If I have accrued several weeks off (which I have, several times) nobody CARES what I do with it. If I want to go sit at a park and protest for a week, nobody stops me. It would be no more expensive than going camping for the week (or are you also against people using their vacation time for camping?) so why are you so surprised that people can take a week off and do with it what they want?
Because YOU wouldn't find it a valuable use of your time? Who cares, get off your cross. I can guarantee I would find very little exciting or worth my time on one of YOUR vacations, so let's just agree to let each other choose how they want to spend their own time off, ok?
I get it tho. In the Christian Amerikkka you wish to live in, vacations will only be granted to those going on pilgrimages to the holy land or other "Church Approved" activities (insert Buz Church Of Preference, all others need not apply). Here in the real world, the actual US, we can CHOOSE where we go on our own time, we can CHOOSE how we spend our disposable income.
I find it hard to believe that a man of your age is having trouble with the concept of vacation time. Perhaps we should start another thread and go point by point through the definitions of a day (24 hours), a week (7 days), and vacation so that you can clearly understand why this..
No employer in UK or the US is going to just let them take normal work time off for that purpose 24/7. No?
is just more of your verbal diarrhea with no actual basis in reality. Just like most of your other posts. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.