This whole discussion is ideologically driven. I think it is good to stand back and look at some simple truths. Frankly I believe in capitalism but capitalism like any other system requires integrity. The banks, particularly in the US, have acted not only without integrity but fraudulently.
They loaned money out to hapless citizens, (in many cases knowing that when the sub-prime mortgage expired they would be unable to pay it back), then packaged up these loans and sold them to other financial institutions as blue chip loans.
When everything blew up in their faces they then went cap in hand to the same citizens they had mistreated to bail them out of their financial difficulties. The government representing these people had no real choice but to pony up in response to this blackmail as the economic downside was intolerable. While all this is going on, those financiers that were responsible for these reprehensible policies kept raking in salaries and bonuses that are beyond what 99.9% of us can imagine.
I think what the people in the street are asking for is that their government do something or anything that brings integrity and justice to financial institutions.
What else can people do to draw attention to the situation? At least in Canada we had some regulation when it came to our banks and as a result we have what has been noted as the strongest banking system in the world. We did not even come close to having one of our banks fail.
As I said it all comes down to integrity and it seems to be in short supply.
Everybody is entitled to my opinion.