But is George Darwin's mistake still in use? Or, having been found to be in error, was it instead discarded in favor of a more correct calculation? And yet the creationist use of this kind of mistake still persists despite having repeatedly been shown to be in error.
Science is self-correcting, in that every conclusion can be reexamined and reevaluated and, when shown to be wrong, can be corrected or replaced. Science is not perfect nor is it void of mistakes, but at least when mistakes are made they can be corrected and there is strong motivation in science to find and correct mistakes.
Creationism is not self-correcting nor even capable of being corrected from without. Indeed, it is very highly resistant to the correcting of its mistakes since there is very high motivation against the truth and in favor of whatever lies could be used in its social, political, and theological agendae.
The "typical creationist mistake" is not an incorrect calculation, but rather it is not having tested that calculation for correctness and, upon finding it to be in error, not correcting it, but rather misrepresenting it as correct (ie, lying to the world about it). The "typical creationist mistake" is not committed by one individual creationist (though it does usually start there), but rather it is committed by the entire creationist community as it shuns the truth and embraces falsehoods despite those falsehoods having been repeatedly exposed as such.
So then, no, we're not blaming creationists for making the mistake Darwin's kid did, but rather for adamantly refusing to correct that mistake.
Regarding your later message
Message 158:
As seen from Dalrymple's whole chapter, ...
Dalrymple wrote many chapters. Which are you claiming to talk about? Why do you not
cite it?
And why do you not indicate which message you are allegedly "replying to"?
Edited by dwise1, : ABE