The classifications do exist. Just because they are arbitrary and have little scientific meaning does not mean that the classifications are non existent. Current racial classifications fall roughly along the lines of descent from the now discredited racial classes I mentioned above.
I did not say they do not exist as a social construct. I said they have no scientific value. It appeared to me that you were supporting the view that "race" exists, when it most assuredly does not. Race, as a classification, has no value. In any case, I felt your stating that 'racial classifications exist' did not help your argument.
But let me be more clear so that you understand why I called you out. When Acelalpha writes:
Acelalpha writes:
I don't believe that "racial" groups exist.
I understand him to mean that he doesn't believe in the concept of "race" as it pertains to humans.
When you wrote:
NoNukes writes:
I can assure you that people who are predominately of Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid origin do exist. I'm not sure what the point of denying that would be.
It appeared to me to be a refutation of Acela's belief that the concept of 'race' is not valid. You assure us that "race" does exist. While you now seem to agree that, for example, Caucasoid is a faulty racial classification, it wasn't clear with your prior statement what value you ascribed to racial classifications.