I agree with you, respected NoNukes.
By the way, the cloning of organisms, with similar to us dystrophies on an example of brothers smaller, in the absence of quality selection, and together with and absence it variability of biological forms, that encompasses the need for their perfection, was inevitably expressed in the loss of organisms ability to their survival. In particular, the cloning was aggravated with occurrence of a congenital arthritis in sheep’s, and a birth of the person - the ugly creature.
The prevailing part of sheep’s has been destroyed in connection with virus epidemic, in consequence of that, on a fire has burned down together with wool of 10 million sheep’s. As a result, Kingdom of the Great Britain has lost 12 billion pounds sterling, besides is absolute without a guarantee to exclude relapse of epidemic. Financial losses will reach trillions, if to consider natural occurrence in the same country of a spongy encephalopathy, i.e. furiousness at the cows, in the World patients with leukemia of herd and destroyed owing to flu very much a plenty of birds which also are intended for a food of people not without damage to their health.
Euro news report 2002-11-29.
This problem was further exacerbated by and in all countries the World.