Because Islamic doctrine and law as practiced in most majority Muslim nations are incompatible with things in the Constitution like free exercise of religion and speech, etc.
Are you suggesting that a US president who happens to be muslim, obviously born here in the US, would try to change the Constitution to Sharia law? That is ridiculous to suggest, if you are, Buz.
Likely, were the truth known, he would not have been elected.
The truth is none of your business. A persons religious beliefs have no baring on whether he/she can be president. I personally believe he is at best an agnostic, probably even an atheist, playing the role of a christian because an atheist more than likely wouldn't be elected in the US.
Although I am curious about that. I would love to see it tested. I think we'd be very surprised to see many Americans side with a level headed atheist. Maybe that's just wishful thinking...
But in any case, I wouldn't care, as an atheist, if he were a closet atheist and claimed to be christian. I get why he would. Or for that matter, a closet muslim claiming to be christian. I get why he would do that - because of people like you, and Coyote, who feel just being a muslim is for some reason a terrible thing. His religious beliefs or non-beliefs can't change the Constitution. Ever! Why would you care?
- Oni