Jar writes:
I would certainly not go that far at all.
I certainly would. If you take away the so called 350+ prophecies (and phrases), there really isnt much substance left in the gospels.
In other words, the story in Matthew of the virgin birth. Lifted from Isa 7:14. If you take that occurence away, no virgin birth.
Micah...no Bethlehem. Pierced hands and feet, crucifixion. Taking his garments, friends deserting him, no bones broken, Passover sacrifice, riding the colt, flight to Egypt, etc. Those are just at the top of my head. How about the actual quotes lifted from the OT which were put in the mouth of Jesus? Its obvious they were lifted from the OT, taken out of context and stories were built around them.
Seriously, if you go "prophecy by prophecy"(many which arent even prophecies to begin with, but "actual" past events retold differently-multiplying the loaves, killing of infants) and then focus on their context, then remove them from the NT, what exactly is left?
Edited by hERICtic, : No reason given.