How do you tweak the prophecy of crucifixion or the prophecy of Jews rejecting Jesus and Gentiles accepting Jesus, which is exactly what happened.
I don't see the Jews as rejecting Christianity - they merely remained as Jews, in keeping with their own beliefs, as is their right to do so. They have no negative inclusion in their writings about Christians or Muslims. In fact we can only say that Christianity and Islam rejected each other, and both attacked Jews and their beliefs - because these emerged at the same period and under the same doctrines of the same space-times they mention, but in total contradiction of each other. Both cannot be right; both cannot be divine revelation! At least one is fibbing.
Ask yourself if you were a Jew, undergoing numerous existential wars for your beliefs with a host of nations, for 2,000 years and 2,600 years before Christianity and Islam emerged, you would accept the Gospels and/or the quran, which puts a bullet hole in your core beliefs? I doubt it!