Nothing you will ever say or do will put even the
slightest dent in the unchangeable truth of
You're hilarious, IC. Do you know that? Your "unchangeable truth" has changed quite a bit in my lifetime, let alone since a couple of centuries ago, when you were directed to burn or hang witches and to keep slaves. Just fifty years ago women were Directed By God to never wear pants except on vacation and to cover their heads in church. Couples with disparate amounts of melanin in their skin were Directed By God not to marry, at least by the God Who was predominate in the southern USA. You WORD OF GOD is so damn dented up that not even Jesus Hernandez's Body Shop can fix it.
Excellent exposition, Jar! Keep it up!
"The wretched world lies now under the tyranny of foolishness; things are believed by Christians of such absurdity as no one ever could aforetime induce the heathen to believe." - Agobard of Lyons,
ca. 830 AD