You have faith in the Scientific explanations, to what end?
Science yields results--it helps us learn.
Creationism does not.
And in fact, creationism is the opposite of science.
--Science helps us figure things out, creationism tells us not to bother, we know everything already.
--Science reflects the real world and what we learn from it, creationism asks us to believe much that is contrary to that real world evidence.
--Science is based on the most up-to-date knowledge, while creationism is a tribal belief invented by shamans thousands of years ago.
--Science seeks to expand our knowledge, while creationism seeks to deny, misrepresent, or ignore much of what we have learned.
And, as Heinlein succinctly stated, "Belief gets in the way of learning."
Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.