Re: genetic again is the reason we see common ancestors and ToE
But why should we just accept something as a "matter of fact" when we haven't ever been shown a logical trail that leads to the stated conclusions?
The entire field of biology and most of modern medicine operate on the premise that the way the Theory of Evolution explains the history of life is the correct interpretation of the evidence.
You believe they are absolutely wrong, everyone who is in these two fields throughout the entire world?
You don't have to accept anything as a matter of fact, like, you could still believe the Earth is flat. But I wouldn't let other people know you believe that.
I'll be nice and not ask since this isn't the thread for that discussion.
Oh I've been here long enough to know you think those who study geology are wrong and have the dates wrong because their dating methods are off.
So you conclude that you are right and all of biology, most of modern medicine and the field of geology are wrong throughout the entire world.
Man, it must be hard being that smart.
I'll be nice and not ask since this isn't the thread for that discussion.
You asked if there was 40,000 year old DNA to comare to modern humans. Well, there is. So now you know the two can be compared. If you want to learn about how the chromosomes fused just research it further. I won't do it for you because I feel anything I post you'll disregard.
Re: genetic again is the reason we see common ancestors and ToE
The atheist comes along and says there is no god and therefore we have to come up with our own Genesis account.
Atheist don't determine what is and isn't considered evidence in science. Science is science, it has no religious or theological basisi.
Neither account can in anyway be proven.
Common decent has not only been proven, and you can enjoy the history at any good museum, it is the only explanation for the diversity found in nature that has evidence to support it. It is the premise for all of biology, throughout the entire world, not just a single source.
Depending on which of the two "premises" you ascribe to, it will determine how you interpret the exact same evidence.
That is ridiculous, as there are many scientist who are religious. A pretty famous one is Francis Collins (former head of the Human Genome Project) who has also written a book about his faith and science.
So don't try to force a problem when none has presented itself.
Since both ideologies expect similarity among the various life forms, for me this means the debate can not be won with a similarity argument.
There is no debate, common decent is the only thing taught is biology throughout the world. You're just some dude on the internet saying you don't want to accept it because of atheists - which doesn't make any sense. Well, frankly, who cares? Don't accept it. Just know that the fine people in the medical field have accepted it, are using it to develop medicine that may one day help you, and that you're welcome.
I never disregard anything sent my direction so long as it is done tastefully and with respect. But also I'm not afraid to scrutinize it and ask the tough questions either.
Yeah but I imagine you took biology in grade school and high school. If those years didn't teach you anything about science and biology, and you still think magic and an invisible man played a role in the emergence of living organisms on Earth, then I'm sure nothing I post here will help you.
There are plenty of biology lectures on YouTube. Maybe you can start there and learn a little bit of science?
Re: genetic again is the reason we see common ancestors and ToE
First I'll address this:
We're off topic.
No I am not. The OP asks if there is a common ancestor between humans and apes and has it been found. The answer is yes there are many, end of story.
Which leads us then to people like yourself asking for the "proof". Well, it's in science textbooks, it's in science classes, it's in museums.
What else is there to address in this topic? That YOU don't feel the evidence sways YOU? Again, who cares? There is evidence of decent, so much so that it's the only scientific consensus on the matter. What else is there to address? That YOU don't want accept it? Who cares.
Or are you telling me that someone finally put out a finely graduated chain of fossils (with no large leaps) from one MAJOR kind to another? Because that's all that would ever "prove" it from the fossil record.
Yes, that's what I'm saying has been done. I was just there at the Museum of Natural History here in New York. The people working in the many fields of science have done their work to showcase the many transitional fossils.
Let me guess, YOU don't feel it shows decent, right?
Here's a short video from the Smithsonian Musuem of Natural History on human origins:
Let me guess, YOU don't feel it shows decent, right?
So what's the point of showing you anything at all if a scientist working in the Smithsonian, in the department directly related to human origins, is explaining to you the evolution and showing you transitional fossils and you are not willing to accept it?
Who then would you recognize as an authority in human origins? Who's explanation would you accept? The answer is no ones. You're only goal here is to knock down ANY evidence shown to you and ignore experts like the one in the video.
And despite all your squiming, if you don't have something other than a similarity argument... you got notta.
The funny thing is, transitional fossils obviously share a similarity, otherwise what's the point?
If by notta you mean we got all of biology on one side of the argument -vs- a couple of crazies on the internet complaining, then yeah we got notta.