Dr A writes:
Huntard writes:
It'll make it a lot harder, sure, but ultimately, not persecuting the Jews is only possible when you just stop doing it.
unsuccessfully persecuting the Jews is possible when they can kick your ass into the middle of next week whether you try to persecute them or not.
That is certainly a reason that Israel would make to explain their offensive capabilities, and it would be valid in that context, but I also need to point out that it ONLY involves the Nation of Israel, not "Jews". The existence of the Nation of Israel does not preclude Jews being oppressed anywhere else. It does NOT preclude another Holocaust or even another pogrom or expulsion.
The question is not "Why do Israeli's need Israel", I believe that is pretty clear. The question is "Why do we need Israel?" and so far only a few reasons have been put forth.
One reason mentioned was that we needed a military base. Reality though shows that we are precluded from using Israel as a forward base because US troops there would destabilize the region.
A second and unfortunately even more plausible reason is to draw attention away from the US, for Israel to become the focus of hatred instead of the US.
The third reason suggested is that the existence of Israel is somehow a requirement to hurry along Armageddon. Not sure why that would be something we need but look forward to seeing that explained.
Neither of those seems to be very honorable so the question remains. Are they the only reasons we need Israel?
Edited by jar, : fix sub-title
Edited by jar, : add the third reason that has been presented. Don't know how I missed that one
Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!