Intelligent design is to me fundamental in the understanding of reality.
Why ?
Questions that are orphaned by randomness or 'creationism'
are answered by it.
How can creationism be orphaned by ID? Simple.
The laws.
Religious creationism requires laws to be 'worked within' by a god of that religion. Gods of religion can create worlds. But not worlds that that do not maintain their structure without the laws.
Where do the laws come from.?
They have always existed.. no?
But, If bang theory is correct. They came to be ballanced and true.
Ready to produce an 'evolutionary' crop of stars that would result in life and anti-entropic complex systems.
Such ballance does not just 'appear from nowhere' [does it evolve?]
Einstien said imagination is a far more powerfull tool in understanding reality than intelligence.
I will use it..
Reality, the observed universe, seems a thing designed with a set of laws. Those laws we know the effect of but not the cause.
Gravity and space are still mystery. As is the plastic nature of time as revealed by special relativity.
We know very little and thus it is hard to encompass the nature of our reality in mind..
I try. I hope you do as well.. this is why we are here.
The 40 years of thinking simply means i have found more interesting questions than what burger tastes best.
Edited by Luweewu, : No reason given.
Edited by Luweewu, : No reason given.