Son writes:
What I meant by that is: did he create species then they "micro evolved"?
From what I understand, they also believe in "macro evolution". They believe, however, that the mechanisms proposed by scientists for evolution are not enough for what we see today. I think "guided evolution" might fit more with what they mean.
What I wanted was more like a rough "history of life" from an ID perspective, a bit like evoltion does (afterall, they are competing theories,right?).
Again, the only difference, supposedly, between ID and and the theory of evolution is the theory of evolution doesn't mention an intelligent designer while ID requires that there has to be a designer guiding the natural world.
I intended to ask for more details about what ID says as the thread progressed but the only answer I got so far from an IDer was: ID is just an idea that doesn't really say anything apart from the fact that a designer exists.
That's because that's about the extent of what ID says. There hasn't been any research or experiment for ID. All they got are facts from the scientific world sprinkled with ID's magic dust.