I know we are not supposed to reply to summations. So fire me.
Sad, Percy? For Faith or for this site and the community it harbors?
The scenario was sad in that Faith failed to appreciate the opportunity you and this site provided her to air her views, to teach and, ultimately, to learn.
From the perspective of a member I say you should be proud of this site, this community and yourself precisely because of Faith.
How many sites accept this level of responsibility? Is there any other site with such an active community on so many sides of so many diverse issues? How many have taken on the duty to give voice to so many different views on so many different topics and survived the inevitable clashes of cultures, personalities and philosophies?
This site provides a platform for discussion, disagreement and compromise (heavy on the first two). It is the responsibility of the user who wants to be a member, regardless of station or philosophy, to recognize the value of free and open discussion and maintain at least some small level of respect and tolerance for the diverse views which this site amply supplies. It is the responsibility of the user to teach and to learn.
Faith's personality did not allow her to recognize this.
That is her loss. Not ours. Not yours.
The archives of topics reflects this diverse mission and the ample tolerance by Admin, the moderators and the members. Nothing sad in that.
Edited by AZPaul3, : syntax
Edited by AZPaul3, : spelin
Edited by AZPaul3, : more boo-boos