Wonders if your daughter goes to the same school as my niece and nephew??? I think it's called St. Christopher, directly adjacent from UM, by the soccer fields and tennis courts. Saint something, anyhow.
Now knowing me, do you think my kids would go to a "Saint" something?
Personal information removed. Use PM, guys. --Admin
What does that mean as a result? They get less or more allocated funds?
There are no funds - less or more don't play a factor in this. They get enough to survive, no matter what the government says they're doing. The reality is in the field, at the schools.
I have lots of teacher friends who work in poor schools in Hialeah, Liberty City, Homestead, etc., who have told me that for most, if not all projects, the teachers fund it out of their own pocket.
Markers, crayons, color paper, or whetever the extra thing the kid may need, they (the teachers) usually buy it. These kid's parents, for the most part, don't have the money to buy it. If you are a concerned teacher, rather than one just doing a job, you'll want these kids to get educated and will make an effort to help the best you can. Even if that means coming up with cash out of you own pocket. Its sucks that that is the case.
But that wouldn't explain why schools like Columbus and Belen have high test scores.
Well private schools score better anyway, so I don't think they score any greater than the normal private school. Some are predominantly hispanic private schools, but like I said, these are in choice cities.
What?!?! Of course they do. There are cultural reasons why black and hispanic students don't fair as well academically as white students. Or is that what you mean?
Yeah that's what I mean. I said for "many social reasons," or if you like "cultural reasons" instead, I'm cool with that.
It has nothing to do wit the race itself, if that's what you thought. C'mon on hispanic myself, why would I insult me? Lol
Asians are not genetically more intelligent than anyone. Their culture simply instills a superior work ethic than failing Americans, generally speaking, of course. We're just going by averages and nothing more.
I think they instill more pressure and shame on themselves for failing and try harder than anyone to succeed, if only to not humiliate themselves and their family. Seems like a lot of guilt too. I remember this asian girl in grade school that cried almost hysterically when she received a B instead of an A, and felt horrible about having to tell her parents.
Americans are not that fucking concerned. We are much more independent and we do things for ourselves rather than others. On average.
- Oni
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