Dr AdequateForum:
Biological EvolutionThread:
Theropods and Birds showing a change in kindsMessage #:
Message 134
Sometimes someone manages to say something that you just couldn't put into words. Done very nicely by Dr Adequate, here replying to slevesque's claims of fraudulent fossil evidence. The money quote:
Based on one piece of evidence that paleontologists are professionally competent, you grasp at the conclusion that they're not; based on the fact that they are able to detect a hoax, you wish to believe that so many hoaxes have gotten by them as to entirely vitiate the evidence for bird evolution; based on the fact that (apparently) you trust them completely when they tell you that "Archaeoraptor" was a fake, you seem to be concluding that you need never trust them again; and based on the fact that the peer-review system worked perfectly, you conclude that it is flawed. And all this you base on pointing to just one occasion when you think that they got something right.
Edited by ZenMonkey, : No reason given.
I have no time for lies and fantasy, and neither should you. Enjoy or die.
-John Lydon