Whoa! Stumbling upon this Forum Site, I have discovered a 'hotbed' of (well-intentioned) confusion... as for myself, having studied this particular issue for the better part of fifty (50) years, I respectfully offer my conclusions. I can only hope that it serves to edify, if not enlighten.
First, let me say that 'Scholars', for the most part, fail utterly to 'know', much less understand, "Jesus" and all that may be related to 'Him'; the same may be applicable to the laity. Scholars can only read what is available, -totally ignoring Oral tradition (of things Not written), -not to mention the 'silent language' (communications not spoken); the laity simply lacks critical thinking and discernment of facts.
"Jesus" did not fail... we have.
Not wishing to 'throw the baby out with the bath-water', I contend that there is a germ of truth contained in even the most outrageous of lies. Most, if not all, that has been written about "Jesus" is, in my opinion, an outrageous lie. This is not to say that "Jesus" (Himself) was a lier or a fraud... only that which have been written about Him are intentional lies and is a very clever and cunningly fraudulent documentation.
How might we determine truth from falsehood?
First of all, we are compelled to know the difference..., -this is not a simple tasks..., -neither is it merely a matter of 'accepting' or 'rejecting' anything I (or anyone else) offer here. Both the truth and falsehoods are writ in one's heart. 'Know Thyself' is the first order of business (equally, not a simple, or even a pleasant, task), nevertheless, a task that Must be undergone... whether consciously or unconsciously... sooner or later (this might require 'life-times' to accomplish... but, I digress).
Emmanuel Kant once observed: "It is not the falsehoods that matter, -rather, it is the intentions behind them that is important."
Few seem to know or grasp or realize that Saul of Tarsus, -aka the Apostle and eventual Saint Paul (an his cohorts: Mark and Luke) are the actual creators and founders of 'Christianity'. This is crucial to know and understand, -without knowing or accepting this fundamental fact or truth... we (may) continue to wallow in an abyss of unending 'controversy'... without resolution of any kind whatsoever.
But I am getting ahead of myself...
What brought me onto the path of learning... about "Jesus" was both not about "Jesus" and, was about "Jesus" as the same time... (sounds confusing, huh?).
My original inquiry was about 'Barabbas', -as a child, I was simply curious as to this: "notorious robber, murderer and insurrectionist", -that nobody seemed to know anything about... not a single word has even been written about this "notorious..." man. Years later, this became especially disconcerting, -particularly, as it concerned Josephus.
It was quite 'shocking' for me to learn, to say the very least, that 'Barabbas' was named "Jesus", -written in the original Greek Gospel according or attributed to Matthew (27:17), -but that His name [Jesus] was removed or omitted from the Latin translation (around 390 c. e.) and most of the subsequent translations thereafter... leaving us with only "Barabbas" instead!!! Even more so, to learn, that 'Barabbas' is not a proper or surname per se', -rather it is what He was called. It is actually an Aramaic appellation, the meaning of which is: Bar = Son + Abba = Father (as in 'the Father of us all' or, 'God', is you will).
What does one do with That information???
Needless to say, I was either at a dead-end or at a crossroads... but, where might I go from here? As a born, raised and educated a Roman Catholic, I now suffered from 'disappointment' in my 'Church Fathers' and teachers... (did they think or hope that I would never learn the actual truth re. "Jesus Barabbas"?). My 'disappointment' eventually turned to resentment and anger... for being made into a fool.
Fortunately, my love of 'God' prevailed... (more on this later).
All I could do was examine (for the first time) the origin of the (Jewish) 'messiah'... and wonder why 'he' became "Christ". (Yes, of course, I know that "Christ" (actually, "Kristos") is the Greek translation of the Hebrew 'messiah', -but, is it, really? (There is no such etymological basis or foundation in the Greek language or customs... there is not such person or appellation that is comparable between the two languages.
No Jew, during the supposed life-time of "Jesus", ever knew or saw or even heard of "Christ"..., -even if they did, "Kristos" is not the same thing as the Jewish 'messiah'.
"Christ" is Saul/Paul's invention or creation (immaculately conceived from out of his schizophrenic epiphany, -while on the road to Damascus in pursuit of "persecuting 'messianists' followers.)
It is not until we examine the life and ancestry Saul of Tarsus that we may truly learn about the 'supposed' "[Jesus] Christ"... and why 'he' ("Jesus Christ") came into 'literal' being... and, why Saul/Paul found it necessary to obliterate the actual name and mission of the Jewish 'messiah'.
Briefly, Saul (of Tarsus) is the namesake and descendant of the first 'anointed' (messiah) king of the Jews.
King Saul eventually was rebuked by 'the Lord' (for failing to anathematize Agag), -nevertheless, he retained his military standing against the Philistines. He "fell upon his own sword" (ostensibly in order to avoid being captured by the Philistines in battle. This cowardly and 'sinful' act brought everlasting shame and dishonor to his heirs and fellow tribal members.
The 'anointment' (messiah-ship) of David replaced king Saul.
King David was succeeded by the 'anointment' of his (David's) son, Solomon.
King Solomon was succeeded by his son, Rehoboam... but, the prophet Shemaiah refused to 'anoint' Rehoboam, -ten (10) tribes revolted from Rehoboam and the heretofore 'theocracy' (or 'government' run by priests). Rehoboam reign was therefore marginalized into the background.
A parallel 'secular' government was established, headed by Jeroboam.
This schism among the Jews continued down through the centuries... into the days of the Roman installed and supported Herodian ('secular') government... and the rise of Judas the Galilean, -a 'descendant of David and the proclaimed Jewish 'messiah'... come to restore the ancient 'theocracy' of his forefathers.
Judas the Galilean was killed in the insurrection... but the insurrection did not stop with his death... another 'descendant of David' rose up... and another... and another... there was no end to their insistence upon attempts to overthrow the 'secular' government... until, at last, all the wealthy and educated Jews scattered themselves abroad, the temple at Jerusalem was razed to the ground and the 'secular' government was utterly destroyed (in 70 c. e.).
It was Saul of Tarsus who, behind the scenes, plotted the capture and arrest of one of Judas the Galilean's sons (Judas bar Judas?) in the (pleasure) 'Garden of Gethsemane', under salacious circumstances (see Mark 14:50-52).
It was for "envy" (of Saul) that the (unnamed) 'descendant of David and the Jewish messiah' was "crucified".
Regarding the "crucified one's" name... ostensibly being "Jesus", -with the Greek appellation: Christ"... it is a clever and cunning confluence... of "Jesus [Barabbas]" (the 'Son of God') and the actual author of the 'Sermon on the Mount', together with that of the replacement of "Judas" and the 'switched' roles i.e. -the actual "notorious robber, murderer and insurrectionist".
But it is not enough that I stop here...
Previously, I admitted that I was "angry" (for having been made into a fool and that I was 'deceived' accordingly by the 'Church' and its teachers... That 'anger' prevented me for learning the 'truth' (of Love... as given by "Jesus [Barabbas]") during His life-time. What was and is required to get past 'anger' is, in a word, 'forgiveness'.
But, where or how might I 'forgive' those who have 'wronged' me? Who would or could 'forgive' me my 'anger'?
This is the 'lesson' that the 'Church' is and has been keeping a secret, lo these many centuries...
One Who has attained full-blown 'enlightenment' must first receive a 'spark of Light' (and divine Love, -they are the same), so to speak. It is no less true in Jesus [Barabbas'] case. He received that 'spark' from John the Baptist (along with untold numbers of others). Jesus [Barabbas] did likewise as John... and the same has continued on (as since the days of Adam and Eve) to this very day. There has never been a single moment when this has not been the case. There has never been a single moment when 'He', in one human body... and then another, has not been 'present' or, amongst us.
It is our 'pride' and our 'anger' that keeps Him at bay.
I was fortunate (blessed) to have been 'forgiven' and thus 'Loved' and suffered the joy of having the privilege to 'sit at His holy feet and imbibed the sweet elixir of His 'Holy Word'.
Argue all you want... for what I 'know' does not come from (corruptible) 'Books'... it comes privately, personally, directly from His (living) heart and mouth to my ears (eyes) and heart.
Peace, Shalom, Naamaste'.
Roland, a reluctant iconoclast.