We frown upon useless posts here at EvC. I suggest you read the Forum Guidelines. So far your posts in this thread have not helped to move the discussion forward concerning the topic.
Buzsaw gave you very sound advice to bring yourself up to speed concerning your question dealing with dual prophecies. Your question has the potential to drag this thread off topic.
I suggest you read what has been said in this thread so far and the steps that Buzsaw suggested will also help bring you up to speed on the subject of your question.
In the future, make sure your posts serve to move the discussion forward.
Please direct any comments concerning this Administrative msg to the Report discussion problems here: No.2 thread.
Any response in this thread will receive a 24 hour suspension.
Thank you
Usually, in a well-conducted debate, speakers are either emotionally uncommitted or can preserve sufficient detachment to maintain a coolly academic approach.-- Encylopedia Brittanica, on debate