im used to clicking on a box marked quote that writes the code for you.
The board software used to and probably still does have the option of a "reply with quote" button, which would be located at the bottom of the individual messages by the other reply button.
There was a past history of bad things often happening when this function was used, so it was disabled. Even if things didn't get fouled up, you could end up with multiple layers of quotes within quotes and in general way too much bulk in what was getting quoted.
Even worse, people would sometimes edit down or break up into smaller chucks what was getting quoted. This is indeed a good thing to do, but too often the coding would get done incorrectly resulting is a giant mess of a message. It took a lot of administrative time and effort to try to fix said messes, thus the option had to go.
See also the
Reply Quote function button to be disabled topic from back in 2003. Also Admin's message