Maybe the whole universe is a sentient being!
The universe is not conscious/ sentient but in some extra-dimensional way, beyond all human comprehension, it is. The way in which the universe ‘thinks’ is completely alien to anything our puny brains could imagination. This force that is the universe could not possibly know or understand itself, even though the universes mind (If you could call it that) is everything within itself. At complete random our particular universe was born with the laws and universal systems that would allow intelligent life forms to arise. (However, how are we to know if there aren’t other universes with different laws that have created even more intelligent beings?!) Space-time acting like the very fabric of the forces thought itself allowing chronological events to take place so intelligence could arise and solve the great puzzle in an ordered and logical way. And, as the universe sees through our eyes, allow it to comprehend itself.
We as humans are the highest manifestation of this power because, unlike every other life form on the earth, we CAN understand and seek to fulfil all the questions the universe has within itself. The more answers we know, the more evolved we become. So, as we are all indirectly the whole universe, we can answer these questions for the force, the very force that moves our sinews, and drives us to think.
This force does not care for us like the fictional spiritual gods, it is not even directly aware that we even exist! It cares no more than you would care if a single cell amongst the billions in you fingernail died. An entire galaxy is but one cell in the fabric of this universal force. We as humans are not the only sentient beings capable of asking and answering the questions of the universe; there are thousands upon countless thousands of millions like us. We are all the atoms that make up the fabric of the universe.
The universe can be likened to a small child, totally unaware of what makes it breathe and live, but it is constantly learning, like a human child, about its surroundings and the way the ‘world works’. We are the universes mind, individually and as a whole, we are the cells that make the universe LIVE.
And this is but a millisecond in the evolution of the universe’ life.
So, like the universal force, we must look within ourselves to truly know the answers to this place we call home.