.....and seriously wish I hadn't bothered. Ken, most of the information that the authors of these sites base their arguments on comes fron the 50s, 60s and 70s - well out of date. It may surprise you to know that genetic research has come on a long way since then. However, you'll find very little of this more recent research cited on the websites you're using because the findings totally refute the arguments of these sites. You can be sure that some of the Creationist sites keep up to date with research in order to grasp at any evidence they think supports their views. The problem comes when their is evidence which goes against their theories - they ignore it, they never mention it, they hope it will go away and if all else fails, they will misrepresent it or quote bits out of context.
What I read in the sites you posted really was sooooooooo bad as to be laughable. If you want to preach to this particular molecular biologist, you're going to have to find more accurate information, more up to date information and more carefully thought out information. I'm curious as to what you base your ability to critique genetics on? Do you know enough to be able to determine whether the information in a web site is correct or not?
One of the best ways to readsomething that you think might support your theories is to ask yourself "What flaws can I find in this? Are there any obvious errors? Do they make any errors of logic? Have they considered everything that pertains to their theory?" Hunt for the flaws, hunt for the errors and if you can't find them, then read the information, but always bear in mind that they may be wrong. Think for yourself, don't just regurgitate other people's thinking, otherwise you end up regurgitating their errors.