Ken, read the link attached to the word 'Admins' on my last message to you, you have been asked to refrain from opening new threads until further notice.
You have left too many messages unanswered and as you keep pointing out this is a debating board, you are not debating all you do is post links without any supporting commentary at all.
Think about it this way Ken, some people have put a lot of work into replying to your topics, these people are waiting for a reply and they haven't recieved one yet, they think that you are toio busy to reply and then the next thing you are posting nonsense all over the website. Have some manners and reply to the people who have been decent enough to try and discuss your issues with you.
In the meantime, can I ask you to please refrain from opening any new topics until a senior admin has given you permission.
I am asking you to please help out Ken.