I've only disallowed investigation of the BIBLICAL PREMISE
Which is certainly a question we could investigate scientifically, if we chose to.
The only reason you choose
not to is the likelyhood of the contradiction of your Bible; that's not a legitimate scientific reason. Thus, it's not science.
Get it, yet?
Ya know, I didn't even use that term but there you are putting quotes around it as if I did.
Fine, whatever. I was trying to be generous - the term
I would have used would have been "bullshit" - but if it's such a big deal, exactly what nomenclature would you prefer in order to refer to your proposed epistomology? Faith-based science? Christoscience? What you're proposing is fundamentally different than the secular science everybody else does, so it would be nice to have a term for which to call it.
Once again, there is nothing inherently unscientific about starting from a stated inviolable premise.
Absolutely there is. It's absolutely inherently unscientific. Inherent in the scientific method is the freedom of inquiry - science investigates all that it can, asks whatever questions it can answer.
Your Biblical premise is a scientific question that can be scientifically answered. The only reason you refuse to ask it is because you know you won't like the answer; thus, not science.
but I'd like one Bash-Free Zone to exist if possible.
You mean "critical-thinking free." Why should such a zone be allowed to exist, either here or in the scientific community at large? Why should you get special treatment and lower standards? Mainstream scientists don't get to have their assertions go unquestioned; why should you?
And AGAIN, if nobody can see their way clear to accommodating to this, I don't see why we are having this discussion at all
If you can't cut it under fair treatment, I don't see why we should lower the standards just for you. We wouldn't lower the fitness requirements for a weakling wannabe firefighter or a police officer, just because it was too hard for them, now would we? Isn't special treatment and lower standards exactly the sort of liberal feel-good nonsense that I know you hate so much? Why do you insist that it be applied to you?