mike the wiz,
I would also add:
1/ The extensior coccygis muscle in humans that connects to the sacrum to........ the sacrum. Muscles that connect to the skeleton have one purpose, to articulate it. In many other mammals the "sacrum" is actually mobile & forms the tail. The EC muscle allows that tail to be extended. Why would a designer add a muscle (not present in all people) to extend fused vertebrae?
2/ Whale embryos (some) possess hind limbs, all over body hair, & in the case of baleen whales, teeth. Why, if they are not required?
3/ Similarly, anteaters are toothless from birth onwards, yet anteater embryos possess teeth that are absorbed later in development. Why, if they are not needed, an embryo is fed via the umbilical, not its alimentary canal (gut-mouth to backside & everything inbetween)?
Occam's razor is not for shaving with.