Sumatsu (sp?) has used this technique a great deal with his garbage concerning population size, limitations or availability of resources (he could never grasp that species radiated after an extinction inpart due to resources in OTHER demes other than the one occupied by the original species) and his "new and improved" ideas of evolution and sexual reproduction, the accurate parts of which are to be found in Darwins work, the remainder in general being pure dross.
As for Zephan, his attempted use of the troll-fu techique led to his over-extension, followed by a pull down and redirection of force back on himself, maybe with a little extra
jing by his opponent, leading his trouncing and eventual bouncing. Simple techniques on the surface against troll-fu but subtle and effective nontheless.
"Chance favors the prepared mind." L. Pasteur
[This message has been edited by Dr_Tazimus_maximus, 05-01-2003]