If you cannot get enough of the stupidity of the Inquisitor here, follow
this link .
Not only can you see Zephyr/Ten-sai/Inquisitor/Attorney at law (now THAT is funny!) in his "Apple toast" guise, you can also see he equally stupid brother "Candyman" strut his idiocy as well!
What a pair!
I was 'recruited' by SonofaSailor, and I posted there as SonOfASailor22, starting on
this page . Notice how Zephan/etc. not only uses the same tactics there, but also the same arguments. What is more, he tried using the same crap about taxes and public universities there that he tried to here, wherein I pointed out his stupidity for the umpteenth time. You'd think a 'lawyer' would learn from their mistakes....
Apple dork's "brother" Candyass states trimphantly at one point that germs do not cause disease. AND he claims to have a master's degree in chemistry.
Let me guess - home schooled... abused physically, emotionally, and probably sexually by their father/priest/both...
out pops the pseudo-know-it-all troll Zepple sai-toast and his beggery buddy Candybutt!
[This message has been edited by SLPx, 05-07-2003]