Christianity borrowed absolutely nothing from anywhere. It was all the outworking of the revelation of God through His prophets to Israel. No other factors entered into it.
You keep saying that even when you contradict yourself in the same post.
Faith writes:
Paul did what missionaries always do if they're any good. They make use of existing concepts in the culture they are trying to reach with the gospel.
And that is the whole point.
The history of religions, including Christianity, does not exist in a vacuum. Religions, including Christianity are the creation of man, and they borrow. Religions are influenced by the cultures of the peoples in an area and in an era. The Christians built on a basis of the Jews who in turn were influenced by earlier civilizations and religions. In time they borrowed from other religions and peoples, the Greeks, the Romans, the Celts, the Druids, the Norse.
As you said, "You use what comes to hand to communicate."
Aslan is not a Tame Lion